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Artwork and Platformer Progress - Concept Art, Characters of the Cute, Eerie, and Mix of Both variety

Heya to all of you once again, I'm back at it again with more of the things I've been doing this week. Most of the game based developments are minor touch-ups of smaller number changes, however most of the actions done are in the sketching/concept area.

A bit all over the place between posture sketches, visual concepts, and a bit of side silly stuff alike, so I will try to be brief with them yet direct to show them. All are some kind of characteristic planning/development.

Starting with the more direct sketches for conceptual purposes,

I've got some poses directly meant for Ashra with her lankier proportions than the others, consisting of a run, on hit sketches, and even one in her floating cart in rough wire-stick positions for how the limbs are to move.

These of which hopefully compliment alongside prior detailed sketches shown some time back for her to incorporate into her sprite making process.

Alongside those concept arts of a more structural purpose, I also have some for rough visuals and/or design directly, however,

The Moof Project concepts are with a goal of being a mix of both cuter/scenic design in Moof and the landscapes in game, as well as intimidating/horror in Ashra/her hired help and some of the more astral locales.

In this case, this is very much the latter, and also my only two true "horror" themed characters, as others like Ashra have the spookier vibe while keeping this cartoonish aspect. These two have lighter cartoonish properties to not be too out of style, but are primarily taking in the eerie factor.

Rilux (Rat on the left), who's not for the game project but a lad I've had if I wanted to do comics involving the characters, this being one of two with his name, a Corrupted and Pure forme Rilux would exist as two entities.

and Dominique (Mouse on the right) who IS directly in the project as one of Ashra's hired help. Who looks perfectly fine with his mask ON like Ashra, but his mouth under the mask is what elevates him to the status he's given. Ironically the head of the hired trio and by extension in a way Second to Ashra despite his small stature.

Moof keeps the softer aspects, little guy, tiny limbs, and always a smile, which works well as a counterweight to lads like this, giving a setting where both forces manage to exist and have it (hopefully) actually work pretty alright together.

Side by side or in frame together somehow will understandably be freaky, but neat in idea to have Dom and Moof be put in.

Last on the list for the bigger files without sending 12 smaller images for the above segments, I wanted to be a bit goofier to allow character development planning in a way I'm more comfortable doing, and also goes with what I said when typing about Rilux for temptations of making comics using the characters..

Directly attempting smaller comic strip type images.

Which is sketch only right now, but if I can get my game coding done in a reasonable matter, then I can do this while making the levels of the game itself, but to do that optimally, I'd need to get this coding done.

Not so sure if I had shown much of him before, but for an idea, and to show a rough form of Bestiary/Gallery test image done a while back, this lad is the one in the comic sketch above.

Side character for the project and helps Moof out,

And while Moof is the pure silly creature, Dial also has some of said comical aspects, but is kind of the inbetween of Moof and Ashra in regards to being comical and nicer, but also not afraid to throw hands if needed.

The side of good lad that, unlike Moof, is able to talk and commentate about things.

Moof manages just fine for interacting without words, but I didn't want that to be an exclusive thing, so he will be able to help for if sounds/action is just somehow not enough, or more likely, if using words would be funnier.

This is a lot of planning though, my coding development is only as hindered as it is being by fixing what I have so far, I want to make everything come together, but trial and error makes me wait on having to do that.

I'll have to update as it goes along in work and concept, so until then, that'll be all from me for now.

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