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Completion of Gun Fight

Heya once again, I return bearing good news. As of recently I've been making posts talking about it, but now Gun Fight is not only finished, but playable. While the page maaaaay not be 100% completed yet, it CAN be accessed right here.

The controls and premise are labelled in the page, but for a base idea of mechanics:

- The layout on default resets upon a player being hit, however it's a "first to 10 points" system, being hit or the time running to 0 will either be a point for the player who hit the other, or a time out where neither get a point.

- When a player gets to 10 points, a small additional "ending" of sorts plays before the game fully resets back to 0 to start anew.

- The "bullets" are replaced with corks, these corks when hitting a cactus can be picked back up. Picking them up gives you a bullet back to shoot again, however if you're already at 6, it basically goes into the ethereal void.

- Both players can pick up a dropped cork, no matter who's shot it originally was, but this can open the risk to being hit while going for it, making a layer of risk to reward.

The opening to do a cuter theme of using corks and such with the Moof characters makes it from a western styled showdown to the death, or just two small creatures playing sheriff and outlaw one afternoon in the desert.

A small change to make an entirely different opening for not only setting feel, but also what kinda functions I can make in said settings. Cork guns and the ability to re-grab them from the floor would most definitely not work in the original idea, and that's half of the interesting part of making games, you can go weird with it like this.

As for the next project, Snake is upcoming, I feel like this one should be quicker to code and make work however, and something like Ms. Pacman may be inspiration for a feature to add to it when that time comes as well, but I'll keep further updates as it goes along.

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