Heya, long time since the last blog, but thought I'd try to show the recent stuff being made, have been experimenting with learning animation through trial and error mostly but while that's being set up, I've got at least a bit I can show. So, I've mentioned before a bit of my experiences with background making, and how currently I've got some done
Have some that're work-in-progress or V1s that're meant to be updated in time
(Snowy area's base bg is mainly needing the sky fixed and the tree colors adjusted)
Well for those most of what I had done was being done by working off a base of nothing mainly, wondered if I could make it any easier, like how I sketch poses before making sprites for enemies and Moof.
And that's exactly something I made an attempt to do.
I had tried this some time back of a rough visual, but in this the problem was that it wasn't formatted to work in the resolution the above backgrounds do, which are set up to loop endlessly with parallax scrolling enabled.
Taking Ashra's Airship (Interior) as the main example, this one's wider, looser, not so working.
An attempt was made to make it more detailed, and fit within the conditions made, wing of the ship and all, clouds to show height, and .
I tried to do a few, got a Desert exterior, but I can't help feel I can make it more.. unique.
I would ideally like to avoid the "New Super Mario Bros." problem of being just the biomes plain and as-is, however, I'm figuring the HOW out.
There is some that I worked around, the Isle of Moof keeps relative simplicity but still is a tropical island with a giant bulking tree in it's center.
Prisma City is a city quite literally partially made of crystal and a cavernous underlayer.
And Ashra's Airship is a giant war craft, a Blimp, and a grand lair all in one mechanical body.
However there leaves 3 places cause I want to make a rounded 6 spots.
I have a snowy mountain base and mountain,
the desert sketch laid out above,
and a forest landscape I want to make a Mansion sitting inside of, where the mansion itself is more planned out, but not sketched in.
Speaking of the concept boxes, the Isle of Moof above ground area is one of the WIP backgrounds, however the watery background has the sketch currently depicted here
So with the sketches included, Prisma's backgrounds are both fully done, Isle of Moof has a sketch background and one work-in-progress one, The (Name TBD) Mountain's got it's base needing touchups, and the peak itself needing plans one Desert Sketch one Airship Sketch and mainly worded description for the Forest/Mansion
At least the World Map concepts have universally been given their sketches, plus sides so I have some stuff to work off of.
Visuals are my strong suit, story planning maybe a close 2nd, coding is kinda working, and audio scares me to get into cause while I can edit existing sounds pretty alright, MAKING new sound effects and music is something that is going to need a bit of figuring on how to make happen. I'll probably get something to work, should be fine, I'll try to update more while I do these.
However updates come in time, so for now at least that'll be all from me for now.