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End of Year - Concept Art, Sprite Work, and Planning

Welcome once again to this page, today is the last work day of the year, so with it I thought I would do something a little different, rather than just the game's progress, I thought I'd like to show a bit more of my design and the likes for projects like this and others.

I'd like to feel like my style choices are either 1 of 2 things, mystic or urban.

Either it goes for a sense of ancient deity or tribal looks, or modern clothes like standard shirts, jackets or the likes in an odd blend.

Sometimes cute, but also rarely can do scary, menacing, or horrific in comparison to the cute.

Some might remember the concepts like the Goo enemies and the likes.

This is one example of the sketching I do to get designs for characters, and while the year ends and we plan a new year of development, I wanna show some other examples of what I do to get looks down right.

There's some mixes of styles, for instance most of my character concepts will look something like these:

Plans of Solo character sketches.

Groups of individual characters sketched together.

Be it bodies included or just heads.

Or group sketches for sizes/proportion comparisons/overall sizing to objects.

A lot of these get sketched for concepting looks, feeling for the kinda characters I wanna use/their visuals keying into how they could act, talk, etc.

A lot of these also are used as bases for how to make them look in sprite form for games.

People and props alike both get this treatment, the two of these having sketches above too.

Moof has gotten an exceptional number of these sprites, LOTS of Moof sprites, and they're still not technically 100% done.

I'm a STRONGLY visual person,, characters and locations.

Ideally I want to get more into this project, coding has some snags I need to work through but I feel like once that's done, I'll have more freedom to build the world these characters live in fully and make everything beautiful.

I have plans to get Moof to be in a good bit of land types, doing what he does best, exploring.

First the coding for universal features, then expanding the world. That is what I want to do.

This should hopefully get much more progress in the new year, but that'd only be truly told in due time, I strongly hope for the best however. Until then though, hope everyone here had a great Holidays, has a great New Year, and that'll be all from me for now.

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