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My Starting Day(s) in Game Gen

The project shown began on the first of the month, the first goal being to recreate the game 'Spacewar!'. I have had some light experience before joining the program, messing with Construct 2 on Steam in small experimental bits, but only actually now making a full, playable game using it, even going a step up and learning to use Construct 3. The way things can change in time. But on base of creativity, I am more a visual person. So alongside making the game work as the lessons aim to teach me to do, I also took a little bit of extra time to make it more presentable. A relatively quicker project in mind, so not all too long of extra time put in, but I went out to make relatively detailed ship sprites, a pulsating wave-lighted sun, and even a semi-animated background where some of the stars flicker, in somewhat different timings so they can look a bit more diverse and detailed.

The project itself is, in it's current state, probably more akin to a prototype, but I feel like it's going well so far, Sure, there may be a few things I can do to improve it, like the movement being a bit smoother, but the trip isn't entirely about the destination, most of the fun is the journey to the goal, experimentation, enjoying the process of trying various possibilities out. And seeing the results that come up on the way just make it more interesting when working through them.

Overall, working on recreating Spacewar! is in it of itself the starting point to something bigger. Learn from the greats of the past, and aspire to make something wonderful in the present, that is the true end goal. And the way I see it, that sounds like a journey worth seeing the path of fully.

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