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Platformer Concepts - Storyboards, Continuation to In-Between Level Antics

Hello to everybody once again, I've come back once more to share my planning progress for the Moof Project storyboarding, most of my action this time continues with the in-game antics that would play at the end of each world leading to the last one itself.

The idea in mind I'm doing with these is short little events that I can make work in levels when a form of "end of level" condition is fufilled that would act out these events, but not every level, just the end of world levels.

I'm working with something for each possible world I would ideally want to do, barring the last one for understandable reasons, last week I believe I showed concept for only the first one, but currently, aside from maybe figuring the order of what landscape goes where, I have a few more.

All segmented in 2x3 panels for showing off quick motion ideas for a transition that's to the point, yet also special between eachother, and a bit silly too.

I have 1, 2, 3, and 5 so far, leaving just 4 out of this, because 6 is the ending itself so it doesn't need this kinda planning, unless I went and did it BEFORE the final level.

And planning wise, all within a roughly 36 hour period in detail.

  • 1 has Moof being flown off of the Isle of Moof to get to Prisma from sunset to night

  • 2 going from the big city in Prisma to the nearby mountain landscape via Spring Momentum from the Moon's rising to peaking in the sky

  • 3 is on the Mountain peak being brought down to the next area at almost Dawn and going down fully by Day at the 4th area

  • 4 is WIP but the Desert

  • and 5 at it's own Sunset getting flown again from the end of Prisma up towards Ashra's now airborne airship.

In mind with simple on-condition end of level actions, I should have Moof play out all of this with minimal if any actual sprite making for actions in these alone, aside from maybe other characters being used with Moof.

Should be minimal visual additions needed, and simple conditions of auto-moving to specific coordinates and timed actions automatically done.

I've been making the backgrounds to even match the times of day in advance as shown before:

from the first Sunset

to Night break

to Later Night

to Desert props for the Day

Ashra's ship and the other world will keep the Sunset of Day 2 and 2nd Night when they get their backgrounds done as well. But my time-framing from the start of these has been pretty consistent and a proper flowing of time.

W5 MIGHT use jungle prop details I'd have had LONG back before Game Gen, when I was prop/sprite making by myself trial and erroring in free time

I used to do a FAIR BIT of these experimental sprites, years back, so these are essentially their own form of a relic of time for past ideas, before Moofs, before Ashra.

I might take up the mushrooms down there, refine them, and have the World 5 be a Jungle with bouncing mushrooms involved to explore with, maybe give something lush and with more green emphasis that way.

That's still being figured out though, I'm doing my best to balance this with getting the coding done, which proves to be more trial and error than initially planned.

I will have to update more about it as time goes on, but until then at least, that'll be all from me for now, so I will talk more soon.

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