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Platformer Pieces - Enemy Spriting and Some Fixes

Heya one and all, I am back at it again with some more platformer updates, previously so far have been updating on earlier mapmaking progress in both level design, and a landshaping scale, but now it's about the pieces that are within them.

This time it's making the enemy sprites, and detailing to the level.

For the enemies, currently making some testing sprites seen below, an idle and a little hop:

There is gonna be variations of these for the most part, spiked, winged, etc. While not being the ONLY enemy type, they will be the more common of em. Little unnamed goo creatures, who's size takes 2.5 of them ontop eachother to be 1 Moof height, so if he's 3 feet tall, they're about 1'4.

As for touch-ups visually and mechanically, I added a few things, fixed a few things.. and have made 1 new issue I am quickly going to resolve, as this video will show

For main key changes and notes:

- Added minor visual scenery crystals above ground, non-interactable and more for visuals.

- Made the "on-floor" dive give more height than the air dive, but at the moment it only works in one direction, and is being worked on.

- Standing on slopes will no longer make Moof flicker out of control, in the video it also made his fall animation not play and be replaced by his idle, however at the moment that problem has been fixed and now fall plays and the slope does not flicker.

The crystals share the same file as the background wall tileset, to save data space. As well as including both outlined and non-outlined variants.

Yet the problem still comes for 3 main goals control and camera wise. - To make the grounded Dive give a boost on both left AND right directions, instead of just right.

- And to raise the camera to not have Moof be centered in it, make him a bit lower than the center line.

- Add the coin types, big and small, and make them function as intended.

But that's all to come in due time, can't share those results until they've been tried so.. until next time.

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