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Platformer Pieces - Minor Testing and Blueprint Usage

Hello one and all, today I come bearing, you guessed it, more Platformer game updates. Today's update may be a bit.. smaller, but for good reason.. VIDEO USAGE! It's not much, but I do have recording of the Moof being built up to walk, jump, dive, and bounce on Springs. Seeable in the video below, he do be movin' though.

This uses the blueprint I showed last week as a layout of landmass, to give everyone an idea of just how the level should look, then just about actually building it, I made it 50% transparent and am gonna be putting my walkable tiles over it... then delete the blueprint.

A simple grid to level buildplan, which should help in the long run.

While doing this too, I also quickly tested out some Sand type of tiles... they look kinda good I feel, gives diversity, these were a LOT quicker though so it's not getting in the way of work.

The tileset being used for this game atm however, is this. Since I've already got the basic slopes and angles and such made for this one.

I can assemble them as 64x64 tiles, or mishmash em in 4 16x16s for a bigger range of combinations, hense why it's grid is a lot smaller than the above image.

The styles can have a range of scenery and maybe look to show how different these areas the Moof goes can be. Sandy to Crystaline having different lands above and below walking area.

Visuals shape the world, but I will still need to build with em.

But atm that's all the update I have, not a small amount I feel, just small post to hold it in, I am hopefully gonna make big progress for next week however so... until next time.

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