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Platformer Progress and General - Stage Platform, and Small YT Development Update

Hello to everyone, it's me again, back with more developments of either game or general purposes. Today's no exception to that as I've got a bit to show off, and possible plans for em.

First thing is a bit of a smaller thing in overall scale, but I've got it being made under a specific visual goal and a bit of a silly functional goal.

I've kept the idea of a bonus stage off and on in mind, not for a 100% completion likely, though, it could be. But at least working for just something small and easy enough, like the triad of Sonic 3 goalpost mini-games that have a Gumball Machine, and Slots.

Some aspects of the Moof game is about putting Moof in experiences widely different in tone or feel, either in visuals, or the actions needed to do within them, with Pierce and Ashra being examples of Circus to Modern Sciences.

So for this my idea immediately went to "What would a setting for a bonus game look like?"

And the idea immediately popped into mind "Game Shows always have people perform silly antics of some kind, for some prizes, why not do that?"

I could make a stage and choose what events happen in them similar to how Lunar Lander picked text at random when you landed or crashed, granted more events than just summoning text, but the base keypoint for starting is already something explored.

This left one task to make a general body for where the "performance" takes place. That one was easy, but the effect to learn was a smidge.. less than at first, a stage, obviously.

I started with getting a wooden texture made up quick enough to tile down and around through the base of the overall stage's length, middle unaltered enough to where I can make these bigger, or smaller if needed.

I experimented however with simulating deeper brown colors in the stage in order to make it look like it's curving inwards, fading into the deeper, maybe darker background as the bright spots focus on the platform itself, like spotlights.

I can add curtains, maybe a funny sign for a game show name, and a... try 1 at least, of a golden trim, where I will add more glamor bits underneath them, like a ribbon or paint or.. something.

First idea for a silly name was "Bop that Block", however, that may have relied too much on just chance, and would be more rng reliant than an active fun thing to do, Moof's whole thing is about having a good time and having fun.. So that idea is in the back, possibly waiting, possibly waiting forever.

If there's one thing I've always wanted to attempt set-piece making wise, it's a game show, and a circus, this is at least ONE of those.

And I should actually have old sprites in advance made for such a location, I'll re-find them possibly and add them to the scenery, give em a purpose finally.

That's something I've gotta keep working on though, so stay around for that.

Alongside that all, something not exactly for the project, but something I'd wanna show off, last week I showed the thumbnail art and banner for a possible YT channel, the week before, I showed an icon..

Well that's slowly finally paying off, I feel like at least.

I've recently gotten them actually test ran, and while there's no videos at the moment, I DO have everything ready now.

Blocking out the @ until I got something actually up there. I've had google docs of scripts for some stuff for years, I'll re-read them and correct as needed to actually use, will check it later.

Self made basically all of the images on these, the icon, the background of the icon and the screen on the banner, the banner itself, both logos, even self got the photo of the game stack from my own collection, and manually edited them in there.

Keep in mind last week, the full banner is THIS.

I managed to get purpose for everything within the banner's size guidelines just to be as effective and showing with all of the space as I was given.

If there is one thing I try to be proud of, it is being attentive to details, in and out of game developmental stuff, really just visuals overall.

This is mostly an on the side thing, however, the visual aspects of it I felt would be worth sharing as part of showcasing art projects overall, maybe I can show more within it once that ball starts rolling.

That too is something only time will show more development of.

So at least until more is made, for this and for sprite work, that'll be all from me for now.

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