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Platformer Progress - Art, Diving, and Smaller Pieces

Good day one and all once more, we all know the drill by now, so let us get into the good goings of the game this week. There is less entire function added in, however there is touchups to functions as well as visuals and plans for features.

One bit is making island shaping, the land mass of where the Moofs shall travel down and around.

Using an idle Moof sprite as a scale of reference, the island here is big enough to be able to have function as a worldmap if all goes well, pre landmarks and visual distinctions, but small enough to not need TOO much unnecessary work and over-complicate it or be too big to see some of the details it will have.

While working on the grand maps too, the smaller levels that build up the maps are also getting closer to done, the first built level only the slowest because it's having features made alongside it like the coin pieces and Moof's movements itself.

For the coins, they're starting to have special locations.. All in their own designated spots to scour for and collect. Special locations above ground, and below.

Five per level, each in designated spots like Mario World's Dragon Coins or Donkey Kong Country's K.O.N.G letters, where their function makes the most impact when you get every coin completed, an actual impact for completion.

With specific levels too the cave ending of the test level is now partially lit via candles, where the end level marker is gonna be placed at.

This is mainly only visual, but helps the player see the end easier too while not compromising too much to the whole "going underground" end level transition, making the level that will come after it make a lot more sense as to how he goes underground to begin with.

Moof himself also has a bit of a tweaked fix to him, while adjusting his speed and how fast he goes, I also got some help from teachers to fix his dive, he now only gets 1 dive before having to land, keeping him from essentially flying and breaking the game.

(Please, ignore the fact the video is potentially off-center. It is while I'm typing and idk if it will be when I post it... but if it is, I don't quite know WHY it is.)

It may not show it in the video, but I am spam-hitting the dive key each time he dives, and it's just the one, perfectly as he should be. The only thing to do for the dive outside of tweak the speeds is making the ground version more of a roll, the landing, and making it hurt enemies or even bosses. As of the moment it's just a tool to move faster.

Lastly, for today is more generalized art pieces, for this it is one main piece to point out. I wanted to make an image to show some of the characters I want to use in this, while getting a good poster-like vibe and showing off the land, to do this, I ended up so far with this.. not done, but good enough to show so far.

Moof upfront and center reaching for a muffin with his arms out.

Dial, the human in the orange jacket behind him, with hands in the pockets just generally looking unamused by the whole thing going on but there to help.

And Ashra as the antagonist in back who is also reaching out to the Moof and his muffin.

Getting a good view of the Isle of Moof, Prisma, and other kinds of places behind them as well as a stretch of the land. It's not TOO too far in, a lot of detail not there either partially or really at all, but it's getting there, which is good enough for me so far.

But however with that all mentioned, that is all I will have on me for the week I can remember to fully show. So I will get to keeping on the hype train and update you all more soon.

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