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Platformer Progress - Asset Conceptualization Continuation

Hello to you all once more, I'm here again with new things to show and also to talk about, this week's thing is a continuation from a post before with my concept sketching for game asset designs.

Last time on that topic I'd shown some map asset sketches and possible designs for end of level and checkpoint spots.

So logically this time I'd get into a bit more of the maybe not as universal assets.

For comparison sake, the old stuff only takes up the top left. There's that much more.

In this case I've added a few things, but a lot of detailing for them. The first point to mention here is the top right with particles and sprite sketches for a POSSIBLE Bonus Round marker.

I don't really know what to do for the bonus rounds, the portal approach like a cracked bit in space-time is my only idea so far.

I have the idea of this sketch to be like a geometric ripple as a static sprite, add a spiralling void as something to simulate flux inside of the spacial crack, and a few particle summon objects to add fog and lightning to make it look more active, and maybe a bit intimidating, as a ripple in reality should be.

next to some of the portal's asset sketches is a bit more detail to conceptualization of one of my shopkeeper designs, the TimeKeeper named Seit.

I had shown some of him a bit of time back, at least the overall scale of shop screen coverage.

but in the top sketch sheet I wanted to emphasize head angles, eyes, and more importantly, his weird, 2.5 finger having hands.

The creature not of this reality, his design should be just as unusual as his origin, so his floating hands and contorting 2-Dimensional face go hand to hand (pun partially intended) in giving this feeling of strange entity.

Then the very bottom is two screen concepts,

The bottom left is one for a possible Bestiary/Gallery. Something I can use to add details and story to characters without the need to add them in between-level clips and other means. I can give them a cute image between the characters, but it's the style of how to present it that I would need to decide.

I'm between Monitor based like using Ashra's stolen tech, Book based like a Tome, or maybe something styled after old PS2 galleries.

I can do solid images that work for any of them as it shouldn't really change the design of the pictures themselves, it's the right half with the text and stuff that would need that presentation style.

On the bottom right is a possible refined title, using Moof front and center, as well as every main side character on either side. Good lads like Dial and Buffmoof on the left, and antagonists like Ashra on the right. As well as a little blip I can make less solid to have things like options, and the aforementioned gallery.

I had a bigger rough idea of the similar concept, so I might try to mix both together, neither have an official name to this Moof project, it's just kinda.. Moof.

But he shares the same happy springy posture, Ashra keeps her floating pod bit, and the idea of half and half side characters is partially there, the sketch sheet just kind of has more to it since it's easier and faster to test smaller canvas sizes for rough idea before making the 1:1 scale sketch idea.

Overall these are the lot of a conceptual nature, world building methods and design, the practice of these methods will be when things get more interesting as then I have to bring them into a functional format, and to hope that my ideas and plans can work, or worse case, how to work around if they don't.

This is something I'm still figuring out, so in due time will hopefully have more to show for all of this, but that's all in due time.

So for not at least, that'll be all from me for now.

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