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Platformer Progress - Big Coin Collectable Purpose and HUD Touching Up; Plans for Collecting Items

Hello once again, new week calls for new progress, although it's been a bit of a shorter week, I still want to show something being worked on, and while coding and adding the enemies has not really anything to show YET outside of their animations playing, not yet their unique functions, I do have some more on the backlog I can show off.

Of planning and of visual work provided, I've done two things, the first is touching up the HUD sprites, or at least what of the HUD sprites there is.

The second involves the big coin collectables I put in LONG back, finally getting something for a use, or well, one of the possibly planned uses finally.

In this photo is a few things of note, I've already had the big and small coins for a while, just in bits and pieces. The main focus is the platform coin under the big coin, and the text.

Text first, the top text row is the old HUD sprites, however I feel like it could've been better in a few ways, which I did here.

First thing was making it a smidge bigger, easily doable with how thin and weird in places some letters have been, fixed that real quick. The second was the color, in this case went from that odd blue to using the same colors that Moof's sprites do.

There IS a total of 3 versions of the new text however since I want to pick the kind of style I'd go with for them.

- One has no edge shading, or this case, Rim.

- One has this rim, but only on the left of the letters.

- One has this rim but all around the letters completely.

Most likely will go with the 2nd one, the one with the side rim only, first could be good, but the full rim might make it look blurry.

As for the coins, in mind I've had something for a while I was contemplating about doing, which I do have a comparison point to help explain and is why the coin platform sprite exists now. In theory, I would like there to be a small, not so secret near end-game area where they come in handy as a form of 100% completion.

Think like Crash Bandicoot with the Great Hall, little mini-level just before the final boss that's meant to be a small nothing snippet, UNLESS you have every Gem in that game.

Something like this. albeit obviously 2D, and different context of place and such, a collectable in every level that'll slowly build a special path to something.

Each one making a piece of the floor and only truly accessible once you have all of them, in my case likely making the last coin a rising platform just to keep from exploration and early access.

All I need to do is make a global counter and have it be a code bit for each number to make a specific coin show up, simple 1 - (However Many Levels), which makes things easier than making each coin designated to each level, and makes em more in-order.

That's relatively a very easy, and quick addition. I'd just need the level layout itself and to make the objects a physical thing in project when I get said level layout added. Theme wise since it'd be the end of the game area, the background will likely use tones of reds to match Ashra's Domain.

I'm still working on coding for the enemies, they've got their animations added but not their specific designated actions, so it's between them and fixing the HUD, which both will be shown in time when applied, So until then at least, that'll be all from me for now.

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