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Platformer Progress - Camera Adjustments

Hello one and all again, another end of week calls for another update on what I've been up to for this week. This time is more experimental, small attempted adjustments for quality of life purposes, starting with the camera.

It's not too big of an update, the camera is a work in progress, the spikes got just a little bit of a re-sprite (again), and enemy functions are still wonky, but I still have enough to show.

The spikes are a quick and easy one to show.

The second layer of spikes was a bit cluttered looking, so it was just about removing them.

The visuals are simple and quick to fix, what could be seen as much harder is mechanics, like cameras and enemy movement, however I'm still gonna try to make it work. The camera itself is a bit laggy in practice, I just need to change around some of the coding, but for a beta build I did screenshot the before and after.



This is meant to be raised by 20 pixels, so far as a small test run to get more of a view of above Moof than having him being 100% centered.

I'm working the jittery-ness which is what keeps me from videoing the test run so far as of the moment, but give it some time to be fully fixed, the camera is basically (half) fixed right now.

I'll look into getting the distance of the Moof a bit further out, and make it run smoothly. But until then, that'll be all from me, so until next time I'll keep trying my best.

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