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Platformer Progress - Coins, Huds, and Backgrounds

Hello one and all again, I'm back at it for my ever expanding progression of my Platformer, so far today there is some additions, changes, and fixes to aspects and feels of the game, and some planned ones I want to do later.

For today there is a few key details to share, both of which can be shared in the first video alone, the 2nd just to emphasize one of them.

First thing's first, not only a somewhat more detailed HUD, placeholder and numbers are not using the custom font just yet, however it does have a few key notes about it.

For one, the Muffins word and Lives have their own sprites and icon made. The other key detail is for those who've noticed already.. there's a circle under the Muffins word. This wasn't on accident, I specifically put that there for one reason, and that's one of my surprise pieces.

If you're all familiar with games like the New Super Mario Bros. series, Donkey Kong Country, or to an extent Kaze and the Wild Masks, then you'll know of collectables like the Star Coins in NSMB's case, and the K.O.N.G. letters of DKC. Well, Moof has something too for the occasion.

For the Moofs, I wanted to make something cute yet likely they'd pick up, if their main muffins are the smaller coins, then a golden tribute of their smiling faces are the next best thing..

But you see this sprite is large right? Too large to just hide in a level, let alone multiple of, well I have a workaround for that..

This video shows a test of the coin and the hud.. I separated them into 5 pieces. And then I coded each one to upon pickup, not only play a visual effect on the coin itself.. I also made a functional coin wheel on the HUD itself.

This HUD Coin will also add chunks to the wheel SPECIFICALLY based on which piece you pick up, so piece 1 shows piece 1 on the wheel, and if you skip 2 and get 3 after, 1 and 3 are there.

And when you get all 5, it plays another little effect on the HUD where the coin wheel is.

Plus you can see in the video, I touched the background up a bit more, in two ways at the moment. The first is the buildings now have lights in em to look fuller, the second is spotlights which use a rough first time experimental sine effect to slowly rotate left and right.

The combination hopefully helps make the city look a bit more lively in the distance, the lights working to lighten and liven things up.

So Big Coin Pieces, Hud workings, Hud Coin Functionality, and Scenery improving all in one take, all should be going well, but I can make it even better over time, so will keep updating when I can.

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