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Platformer Progress - Dive and Jump-Through Platform Touch-ups

Hello one and all again, another Friday means another instance to show the progress I made to working on my platformer in regards to completion, and feeling good to play. This week has been mostly for fixing any bugs or problems I could find answers to, as well as to fix minor pet peeves in terms of visuals or otherwise.

The first touch up was to the diving mechanic. For the time I disabled the Slide purely cause I need to think of a purpose for it before working on it that the Dive or just walking realistically can't. However the dive itself got work.

This fix was more a peeve for me, when hitting A or D while diving, Moof would visually fully flip left and right and for some reason that felt wrong. I decided to not only touch that up to where he wouldn't flip left or right during the dive, but while holding the keys down, you can also make the dive go lesser distanced or further distanced.

At first upon implementing this, it came with an odd bug of Moof moon-walking if you held back to shorten the dive distance. Yea, that was a problem that got fixed real quickly, now when he lands, if you're holding backwards he instead will properly turn around too which is displayed in the video.

This should realistically mean, unless anything comes up later down the line, the dive should be done and polished enough now.

As for a lasting bug problem, for a while I had issues with my jump-through platforms, sometimes Moof would just.. get stuck in them sometimes as past posts would show, and outside of posts, it had this odd problem with extending Moof's jump height when it shouldn't be doing that. I think I managed to fix this little oddity, by tweaking with their collision-ability while Moof is in the "Jump" animation, I think I managed to work this problem out too.

Now the platforms should be able to work just as intended, no getting stuck, and Moof will jump at the proper height at all times from interactions with these platforms.

It's two problems fixed, which two may not seem like a lot sometimes, the fact they've been annoyances for some time, the fact I got them fixed is very good on my end, able to work further without these irritations on hand. There's still more work to be done patching up problems wise, but I'm sure I should be able to make it work.

Will keep updating on how my efforts go, but that's for future blog posts to show, so until then, that will be all from me, so until then, see ya next time.

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