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Platformer Progress - Enemies that Fly, Float, and Orbit; the Propeller Bucket and Slime Enemies

Hello to all of you who stumbled upon this chunk of text-space.

This week I wanted to go over the idea of enemy diversity in function and visuals, last week I mentioned that this would come in the form of the flying bucket-riding enemies, who as of now have a testable animation while I don't over-exert too soon before it's done to have them with a better animation.

Them being shown here:

This particular enemy I also last week mentioned I'd make have 4 kinds of movement, and I'd like to go over how I'm gonna do that while also giving more insight to other developments.

The steady flying enemies are simple enough, I can make them just have 0 gravity or 8 direction movement settings and be stood still,

Now that would be boring just being 100% stationary. I'm gonna add some code in to set it to move slightly up and down too like it's maintaining more or less it's elevation. This will be enough to keep it steady but also make it NOT statue like, which should make it the easiest to do.


The enemies that orbit around one point.. okay like this is really the most I'd need to show probably, just.. Orbit.

In theory at least, I'll be working here and seeing if I can set individual AoEs for orbit without having to make a "3x3-Tile" or "5x5-Tile" version of the enemy, which is convenient if it works.


Horizontal and Vertical enemy pathways should be easy enough, the Game-Gen lessons seem to have that one covered to do as is, but I still want to experiment with placed markers to automatically turn them around too so I can control the range of their being an obstacle.

If I use the marker route, it'd be a very easy change from the lessons' timer in theory, just replace the timer with a invisible object like with the grounded enemies that tells them when to flip from mirrored to not, easy enough, in testing I'll judge better.


The colors I can make the propeller goos have as variants can be used on either the logo of the bucket, or the bucket itself. I have red as the default so my range of colors is vast and I have many options.

Also I had mentioned last week a fact that my Cannon Sprite and the Bucket Sprite looked too weird side by side since they're both metal but looked like it was made very differently.

I took it upon myself also to fix this real quick. The above is what I will call the "V1" Cannon.

And below, this is the "V2", now hopefully better matching the buckets above:

Wether I use a red ring or not red ring is not yet decided, I could just use one, or make the 2nd one with the band do something like fire it's projectiles at a faster speed, either-or really.

Working on the steady hovering flier at the moment, I'm only in the beta code, and it's hovering, kinda.. It goes up but not back down so I will have to wait to show that when it's more done. Give it a bit of time cause that's easy enough to fix.

I'll keep working to make the varieties function better, I got the work plan, I got the "how to" visualized, I even have the animation test run working and ready to go.

Maybe even a special prop that appears when breaking the bucket to match how the basic goo enemies launch glob projectiles for visual aesthetic.

Until then though I'll have more test runs figured out, and I will keep you all updated, there will be video hopefully for them by then, but for now that'll be all from me, so until next time.

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