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Platformer Progress - Enemy Animation and Theoretical Concept of their Movement

Welp, today is that time of the week where I give more news to the workings of my project, today being focused around the game's base enemies, and plans for the more diverse lineup of them.

Primarily I've started to get the sprites I have so far put together to animate em, and the results for their "walking" in "s since they don't got legs, seems to be coming along well enough I feel.

It's quick, missing inbetween smooth-frames and only 3 frames, but until I make the smoothening out frames, it works for conveying the key steps in it pushing itself forward to look lively. A good step into a full being with visual personality to it.

Currently working on his movement, and interaction with walls, ledges, and other item types.

Speaking of their interactions, while doing the lessons outside of freestyling (most of) the project to this point, I have a somewhat conceptualized way to get them turning around on ledges, or how some enemies can work.

The work is a bit... sketchy and choppy, but the planning is about right to see.

I will be getting into the enemy part of the lessons soon enough to make sure if my theoretical plans will check out or not, but my plan is making invisible "turn around" points for enemies. Having a version of some enemies that will interact with them, and some that won't and keep running past them.

In idea, I can color code these enemies to have a visual indicator tell them apart, while also making more enemy variation with less new sprites be made, to make the process a bit quicker to do.

I'll run through some active tests soon enough to see if these theoretics check out, and if the in-site lessons match these ideas or not.. All in due time, but I am working through to make these work how I want to do it.

So until next time, that's all from me for this week.

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