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Platformer Progress - Enemy Sprites; Flying

Hello to everyone once again, this week is a good work towards variety of enemies in my platformer game, as long as visual work.. in progress.

So far I've got the grounded enemies, something to walk along the ground level with Moof to be an obstacle, but they're limited to just that, ground.

What about other levels of elevation? That's what this week is about working towards.

The idea is to have enemies that cover other varieties of ways to hit, where they can be found, or both, in this case the air.

Flying enemies, like the Parakoopas of Mario, or the Zingers of Donkey Kong Country.

These enemies cover the air as there are other enemies to cover the ground, obstacles for you while jumping or gliding or diving and the likes. Airborne hazards.

My plan was to make the base goo enemy fit this theme. The base enemy being this bean.

They're round and simple, I have my options, I could add wings to them, or give them something to ride. I chose the latter.

It was a simple idea to draw out, something fun-looking to have em sit in to have the idea of their flight pointed out, while also having it fit the style they're working with.

They're round orbs of goo, so logically, a bucket. For flight, add a propeller to the bucket's handle. Get a few test frames, and just like that, we got an at least V1 of the Flying Goo sprites.

There's no inbetween frames of the goo itself moving, but I got the propeller itself, enough to test with.

A simple propeller animation to get the point of flight across, I'll get it smoothed out and improved more soon enough, but it works.

I plan to give em coding for doing 3, maybe 4 relatively simple things, enough to make em dangerous but not overly complicated. Just simple stuff like these:

- Horizontal (Left-Right) Movements

- Vertical (Up-Down) Movements

- Circular (360 Movement around one point) Movements

- MAAAAYBE a standstill (no movement at all outside light bobbing) enemy for chain jumping

Maybe I'll add some kinda color coding to show which does which, but that's for another time.. when I know what kinda colors to even give them, if I do.

For now though, I'll get a test code run for them later down the line, to try these 3 movements, and see if I can make them work good for the current test level in some way. I have a few ideas of where to put them for a test run.

But that'll be all for me for now, I'll keep doing my best in the work I do, and update you as it goes down the line, so until then, that's all I got to show, so til next time.

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