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Platformer Progress - Finished Map and Map Marker, pre-coding the World-Map

Hello once more again to everyone here, the week-end is coming upon us once again, and with it comes even more updates.

I know it's been slow as I've been working on a giant sprite for the map, but the map itself is FINALLY done, in regards to sprite-work.

I have it segmented into a few 'Layers':

- Landmass itself

- Their landmark Central Tree

- The level markers (at least V1 sprites)

In this image I laid out the tree at 20% opacity to show the map in comparison to where it is, and also at full opacity to see the landscape as a whole, tree and all.

The level marker shown near the top middle is how my test marker looks alone, the left has a few placed as an idea of where they would likely go once given functionality.

This all consists of the land itself for the layout, the tree as it's own layer to add a line of code or few to go half opacity when Moof is behind it to not lose him, and the markers on a layer to be the interaction object and connect to other layouts.

I made EVERYTHING their island has and/or would need for an intractable game setting.

Level dots, the pathway, landmarks, all of it.

I even remade the water, I think it with everything else looks good, I will adjust the zoom for the layout to not be so FAR OUT.

This is the newer look of the map with everything, new water, new island, everything.

Compared to the original shown in a previous post's version of the map,

THIS is the V1 to really show just how much of it has changed from using a tileset vs. a custom entire map sprite:

The difference is pretty big in my opinion, for the better.

My big question is how I'll mark these out in response to leading to specific levels, in some extent I could just make an object for each level, and just put them in a folder to not clog up the item list too badly, but I'd need to run tests with my current level build for both level marker to level, and goalpost to level map alike.

Visuals done, coding.. less than, but I'm sure it'll go well enough.

I feel like development is slower than I want it to be, but I also believe that it's purely because I'm getting the bases of everything universally at once, the hard parts first before the easier "Mario Maker-like" building of the rest of the levels.

This I'll only be able to truly update as it goes along, so that'll be all from me for now, until next time, I'll keep doing my best to give full updates of my progress.

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