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Platformer Progress - Global Coin Values, One-Way Wall WIP, and Bug Working

Hello to all today, we're going back in to talk about more Platformer Progression which is still around making minor additions, fixes, and changes to base systems or minor objects. And today I would like to show you that all.

Starting with smaller stuff, the level itself is getting one small addition and a few helpful changes to it's layout. First thing was to finally get the balance of challenge for one of the big coin pieces, early on I wanted to have this be separated via a one way wall, well I got a small object set for that with no full function of on and off collision set yet.

But the object will work very simply, if you're on the left there's no collision, on the right there is. This is to make it where you have to do the small jumping challenge provided instead of cheating it by walking around and getting the coin piece from around the obstacle.

Alongside the wall to make the end un-cheatable, I fixed the challenge area itself because the tile hitboxes how I made the room originally with jagged rocks made it easy to accidentally hit one of them and fall when unintended.

I thought I should at least fix it where it was mostly impacting as a problem, which was during the last jump, the front keeps the natural rocky formation, the back keeps some but mostly has a flat ceiling now to not irritatingly bonk onto.

This realistically should be the last level specific change I need to add, anything else would be more game-wide like enemies which I'm working on still. But for specific level aspects, this is done.

The next point to address is coins, I've had them be collectable as small items for this whole time so far, and had a grand idea for them, just not the function. This problem is.. somewhat fixed.

There's a new Global Variable that will apply to outside of the levels, called a "Global Coin Counter". Simply explained, when you beat a level, your coins you collected during the play will be added up to that total tally. Where you can keep a universal number outside of level play for something like an ingame shop or other purposes.

The code is only a test run so far, just to make sure it properly adds to the tally. When you beat the level, you'll be unable to be cheated out of it by dying at the end (by the end no enemies should be able to be brought to the end so it's just a precautionary measure), the coins should add to the tally, and you should be brought to the world map.

This all outside of the tally isn't new, the no enemy collision and control while it shows the results was already somewhat implemented, but I wanted to get the variable set now instead of later so I have it ready to work off of more in detail.

Last on the agenda of news to give is to an... attempt of fixing one of my bugs. I tried to change how the knockback of Moof on hit works, the old code wouldn't do a knockback at all no matter where hit nor how. So I tried to change the code up a little.

In order it should

- Make him unable to be hit for a brief period

- Set his animation to the hurt sprite - Knock him backwards respective of the direction the enemy to him and with a bit of an upward motion as well via simulating jump arcs

- Visually give a flashing sign to show he should be invincible - Re-Enable being able to be hit so he isn't invincible

Unlike the old coding, Moof seems to conditionally ACTUALLY take knockback this time, but it's only to the right, and won't play the animation still, nor launch upwards, but it's more than it used to be so.. PROGRESS!

I got some more work to do with that one, but hey, it's got good signs so far so I have hope that it'll go great soon enough. However I can only update what I've done, so updates will come in due time, so until then that'll be all from me for today.

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