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Platformer Progress - Goal Post Revamp, Future Enemy Pre-Planning, Beginning the Sketch Poses for Bosses

Hello again, it's been some time since the last post, best to correct that, I am back again and in this time a grip of both revamping sprites, new sprites, and concept sketches for poses has been done that I would like to show off.

Will start things off with an old sprite getting a new big revamp to it, one of the important level assets, the end of the level goalpost itself. So I showed a version long back of it where it kinda took inspiration off those old barber shop poles.

with many sprites just to have the pole itself animated, which is.. a lot to look at.

HOWEVER, I wanted to make it less barber shop-y, and more.. Fancy? Stylized? Better, I wanted it to be more better.

About the design, more recently of a post I mentioned some sketch works for the post, and there was this pair of them, one with wings, one with Moofs on them.

So logically there was one thing to do,

Combine the two, but also make it spin when you touch it because... yes.

I've even got a test run of the spin animated, not the smoothest, but not the worst either, it's not too thrown off from the rest of the animated sprites since they all have a not exactly seamless animation, and frankly, don't need to have that either.

This I want to get to spin when touched at the end of the level to give some flair and a small "celebratory" thing of sorts,

I am keeping them Moof Blue for the metal bits as gold might be redundant since the purpose of Moof traveling is to get a giant Gold Muffin back.

Adding to the list of sprites is an enemy I will designate to areas where darker spots are a given, like haunted houses, but it's a creature of unknown form (using a circle for hitbox allocation) that will hide in dark spots the same color as it's circular base sprite, leaving the eyes as the only thing truly visible.

They are about half a Moof big, and come with normal eyes in all directions, and charging eyes in 8 of the 9 sprites since they can not charge towards the screen in a 2D platformer.

Watching, waiting.

Think like the Boos from Mario, but they don't mind being stared at, and charge at you in intervals, and don't have a face, and are nothing like the Boos from Mario.

Likely invincible, dodgeable but not beatable.

The Map concept for the bottom left as is had a Haunted House area, but realistically I could have that as an introduction-y point for them and fit em into the two worlds afterwards, an ancient Pyramid as a tomb and the airship of a literal Demon has room for some dark areas.

One last thing is for the major role characters, primarily the Bosses, I am beginning that too finally in detail of how they will act and how you can go up against em, beginning not with the first world boss, but the second, Pierce.

Since Pierce is a Hyena of a Metal/Circus theme, I'm wanting to at least incorporate one of the two, but will find a way to make both work. So for the clown-like aesthetic to him I have this idea of the guy balancing on a giant ball that can have patterns to bounce around in.

I want to make something tied to their themes, Pierce for Heavy Metal and the Circus, Valentine in the Forest as a predatory species like a hunting cat, Dominique as the only one of truly eerie vibes, so on and so forth.

I'll get colored designs sometime soon hopefully.

A lot to be worked on and trying my best to get it all when going between assets, characters, backgrounds, everything else.

I'll keep trying and will update as updates come along, though for now, that'll be all from me for the time.

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