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Platformer Progress - Goalposts

Good day one and all who found their way here, today is another addition to the ever growing mountain that is the Platformer Moof Project. A goal to work for is to make some basic assets before building more levels, key ones like enemies, checkpoints, powerups, and an end of level goalpost.. Well I got ONE of those at least, so there's something going.. kinda.

Half of making these features is making the visuals, while working on the actual function, I decided to get the sprites and animation together for a visual piece. So I was trying to process.. what end goal would fit a Moof?

The answer was something with a muffin, but the coins were muffins, so what do I do there? THAT answer was use a different kind of muffin, a gold one, and with the gold muffin, a little pole.

A bit of inspiration while talking to some friends outside of Game Gen was a suggestion of those barber shop poles, you know the ones, red/blue and white like candy canes that slowly spun.. these things.

Well the idea from those were kinda used, took out the blue but kept the white and red, and those ended up becoming this. a 32 frame animation of a winding pole with a gold muffin tip.

Now them all side by side may not show it much, HOWEVER, I also come with a test video, to show it in an actual animated form to give it.. in as much a way I can for a pole, life.

The pole is roughly 2.3 Moofs tall, or roughly 7 feet. The goo still doesn't have movement YET, but it's visuals are coming along, so ignore the goo creature in the shot.

What happens when he crosses the pole is still needing some consideration, the pole itself however is done, so it's already probably halfway there.

Unfortunately so far that may be.. all there is, I may have been out a good bit of the week, but I will try to make up for that in the next week. However for now at least, will make more progress to show y'all for next time.

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