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Platformer Progress - HUD Text Progression and WIP Big Coin Piece Update(s)

Heyo to everyone again, I have once again come with more game progression, but although mostly cosmetic changes, were changes I've been needing to make for a while, so thought I should get them done now while I have a plan in mind.

So this planned change came in a few ways. One of which is an expansion to last post, where I updated the lives and muffin/coin counter, but it's the other needed point of text, until I get to doing the entire Aa Bb system.. Numbers!

I made them in the same no rim, half rim, full rim set the text so far had, just in-case I want to switch the style they're in, while likely using half-rim and defaulting to it so far. But I also did something for the numbers specifically, a secondary color.

This is primarily in-case I need to separate the colors of the numbers and the text that comes before them or not, but instead of white text.. gold's a bit more unique. Same gold color palette that the gold coins use also.

Speaking of the gold coins.

Last post I showed the old text and the new letter text alongside a coin platform.

This however isn't the end of expanding the coin sprites. Of which I will show off too.

So in the Moof Project, these big coins are made of 5 coin wedges, pieces of the big coin that get put together and, in planning, become platforms leading to a special completion bonus.

But so far, all the coin wedges do is sit there and move up and down a bit, and that's dumb, and boring.. so naturally when a visual detail isn't enough, I decided to fix that also.

My idea was making the pieces rotate, now the problem is that it's not a universal set of 3-4 sprites, I need to get sprites made for each and every one of them. Which sounds like a big task, and kind of is, but yet, I'm doing it anyways.

It's only two at the moment, but this gives a GREAT idea as to what I have to do here, only two pieces so far, and each of them has their own more or less set of rotating sprites, the top spritesheet using only 4 sprites since it's a triangle that's basically the same on rotation.

The bottom spritesheet however, since it's more sideways of a shape and the design is asymmetrical needs more sprites for a left and right oriented view of the coin, also inner and outer rim view.

And I've gotta align these for each coin wedge respectively, most of them likely gonna use 8 sprites more than they will use 4. However, I believe it'll be much better off when I finally get the other wedges done, so that'll keep getting work.

Outside of my sprite work, I've got some coding to do for applying these and my enemy types into the game, but one worrying aspect also lingers I dread finding a way to get around, Audio.

Sound Effects and Music alike are points of worry since while I could MAYBE get the sound effects if I tried enough attempts and took enough time to, it's the latter that I don't have a direct course of action over, Music.

And considering how I have my locations and other settings placed in planning, I don't think I can just do what Mario would do and just have 1 universal track for levels play and actually sound GOOD given the diversity of them all.

I might look into how much it is to get someone to make tracks for it and plan from there, which I already know in advance will be not so easy to just stumble into. But I'm not a person of audio design so who knows, because I do not.

I'll try my best to keep the coin rotation progress going and see if I can get any of these other things on the to do list done, however I can only do that in time so will update as it goes along. Until then, that'll be all from me for now.

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