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Platformer Progress - Isle of Moof Background, Concept to a W.I.P of an Implementable Format

Eyo again, it's more of my progress updates once again, and like earlier, the theme stems to backgrounds/background assets, moreso covering the backgrounds of varied world-types.

I've been doing a theme of sorts for these backgrounds, in more than giving them a general yet varied sense of "diverse new landscapes from eachother" but it's also adding something the others don't use.

With the cavern background it was the moonbeams from the holes leading above ground, that would give little sparkling effects when implimented and contrast a bit with the mostly dark void of the rest of the background

With the Prisma Outskirts itself, spotlights from the city that would move left and right for a moving prop of sorts and add to the lively city feel, from a distance.

Last week's Iceland background had the lush forest feel, and the goal in mind being when implimented to have a light snowing effect, possibly.

Then there's what's being currently worked on.

Last week I mentioned working more on the Isle of Moof background, and for an update of how that's going, the water's got some reflection now and the sky has an extra clouded layer to give this cloudy sunset feeling.

If the other backgrounds emphasized any kinda detail each, this one was making direct attention to the reflections of the water, and I've been working on a way to make this work.

The idea comes from the way my backgrounds work off multiple layers. The water, sun, and sky gradient itself is one layer that won't move, however the other assets like the clouds and mountains back there will.

So, the idea is to make the sprite itself reflect, but the bottom is semi-transparent, so that it LOOKS like the water is reflecting it properly, this way the water and all is still just the gradient, but the objects moving on the water are part of the object above the water, giving the illusion of a shining water surface.

It's mostly a theory but it's got merit to work, and I'm gonna be testing it more soon, however I still need to finish the sand, water area where it touches the sand, and any rocky details in the water itself first.

However, that only can be done with time which comes later, so when it comes I'll be able to show more. Until then however, that'll be al from me for now.

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