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Platformer Progress - Jumping and Grounded Specialized Movements; Dives and Slides for the Player

Hello to one and all once again, this week is a mixed results list of events. The small list of bugs is still a bit out there, slowly finding out their cause and how to fix it. But there is some plus sides too, I took a bit of time to both checking out the bugs, and developing Moof's movements even more.

It bugged me for a bit that Moof's dive was both in air and grounded, with the grounded iteration of it both not working too differently, nor feeling the best to use in regards to balance due to it being spammable. So I decided to fix this, and I am working on a form of function for when the Moof is on the ground that's different than the dive he does in the air.

This logically came to mind one specific thing to do, a slide. Basically the perfect thing to keep the same kind of boosted movement while making it also noteable as a grounded version. So I naturally added to the code of the dive itself to specify while Moof was airborne, and with that, started another bit of code to give function to hitting the dive key while on the floor.

  • Unfortunately the slide doesn't go as far as I want to yet.

  • Fortunately the segmenting of slide actions like the special jump off a slide, a sound effect specifically for it different than the other jump, and potentially changing status like the jump height off of a slide is hopefully gonna be easy in comparison to everything else.

There is a sprite for the slide, the jump off which I want to be able to make hurt enemies having an animation that uses 2 sprites but rotated at each 90 degree angle making 8 frames total and hopefully a smoother roll, and a simple enough and already split off set of functions to already gap it from the rest of his actions.

The slide sprite itself caaaaan maybe do with some work.

The test run of the spin off the jump also works pretty alright for what it has to work with.

Considering the fact it only does run off of technically 2 sprites.

The spin is less a Sonic reference, cause I know that comparison can and probably is already made as of now, but more a cute spinning attack generally, could be played as the Moof tripping out of the slide like a clumsy little bean that he is. But with this underway, that means I technically both fixed my ground dive issue, AND made his movement more diverse at the same time when it's done, it's a win win for me then.

Between this and one action of being able to grab onto certain midair objects, this SHOULD mean the basic Moof-ments (Moof Movements) is almost done, anything else would likely be world specific.

Currently the Slide itself is about 50% done if the rest to add is as simple as the first half, BUT, that'd be something I'd have to update on another day for, so with that, this will be all this week from me.

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