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Platformer Progress - Logo Conceptualizing, Naming Process and Some Struggles via Title Giving

Hello to you all again, this week's a bit of a different one than the others have been, and something I'd like to both share and talk about.

So far, all I've been calling this Moof Project is just that.. the Moof Project. There's been no direct name, no logo, nothing really in regards to a title and screen, frankly, that's a problem in my opinion, so I want to fix that.

I've not really done logos before, mascots yes, logos? No. That's what I'm trying to fix now.

I'm trying at least, I got a few test runs though.

Ignore the top right of the Moof face based on the top left, the colors are temporary and it itself was a Try 1, it's gonna get a lot more touching up if I continued with that one specific.

Trying a few kinds of mixes of text fonts and weird little things like the Moof wedged between the M and F to make the eyes into Os. Tried goofy posing of higher and lower letters, bubblier writing, stuff like that really.

The stance on whether to do no Moof face, half the Moof face, or the whole Moof head is something I can't entirely pick between, and I'm still trying to maybe get a few more made if none of these stick out enough.

Some stick out more than others to me though, but it's not decided 100% yet.

I kind of lean towards having the Moof face being included, like this one does, but I worry if the face will make people not see it as Os..

I'll keep working on ideas probably incorporating this still. But will also try for more in general.

That leaves the 2nd problem, a specific title alongside the main Moof name.

Originally long back the idea of "Moof" World of Color" was in mind, but the downside there is each world would've been given a specific color which is WHY the name was as it was there.

I even maintained keeping some of the older sketches for rough background ideas.

One for Blue.

And one for Purple.

The "Worlds of Colors" idea didn't exactly stick around however, given the fact that so far my background use multiple color tones to be more natural than rainbow-esque.

So I need to give another name to this, something more fitting, IF I stick to giving it a sub-name at all alongside the main Moof title above to begin with. I'll save World of Color for something else.

It's not the most additions, but every project needs some kind of name, it's just surprising how long this one has gone without having one, strange, but not something that'll have to stick around like that forever.

I'll keep planning for this, and will get back to you all about it when I have a name that fits.

Until then however, that'll be all for me, I'll work further on this and update you all in due time.

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