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Platformer Progress - Maps and Concepts

Welp, another week and another time to show what happened with the development of the Moof project. This time around, a mix of game elements and concept sketches.

Elements first, I believe either last article or 2 somewhere I mentioned making a test map using a website called Inkarnate, which looked like this:

I've been using this as a base concept for how I wanted my Isle of Moof on the world map to be, and with some pieces acquired from one specific piece of asset tiles from it, just for the world map and some sounds is the most outside help there I'll try to allow myself..

With that I got a.. not 100% finalized yet, until making the level select dots and my own custom central tree, world map version of the Isle of Moof:

The level dot placeholders are a ladder sprite because I'm making the variations of color and shape still for what's a one-exit level, multiple-exit, or boss stage marker. This is what World 1 looks like in full, starting from bottom middle, ending up on top-left before flying off island to the Worlds 2 and onwards.

The island as a whole in it's current layout takes up this much of the estimated world map size.

Yeah.. tiny and big at the same time. All coming along just as the map sketch shown before was planning for.

The map needs more sketching out, but it's being built how it was envisioned. Alongside the Map's concept also comes some more conceptual bits, primarily for the characters. Ashra, the main villain in this project finally, had a ref made for her.

Bodily based off a Cross Fox, Ashra is meant to originate as a closer to demon-like race of beings, if there are gods as the "Elites" in this world lore, the "Demons" are more a cross species than a title.

Ashra is out to try to attain godly abilities using a special relic hidden from time, but needs something equally unlinked to time to get it opened, and is out to get that at all costs. Moofs don't age, and their species' population has not grown nor decreased for.. ever, so her goal is to lure a Moof to the relic to get their presence to activate the relic.

If the bosses and other obstacles she set for the Moofs don't capture them outright, she hopes stealing their precious muffin statue will be motivation for one to show up regardless.

I know she's meant to be menacing and spooky like a true horror creature compared to Moof's darling baby appearance, but I also can't help making images of her being a goof.

Alongside Ashra, I don't know if I want to have her in the game or just in like.. comics if I ever work on them based off the characters, I've been sketching some of em, is a Fennec Fox gal, currently going with the name Vex.

Vex isn't of the same race as Ashra, but is more a fan of their kind, working alongside her as an engineer to build machinery like Ashra's airship and Vex's own electrical gloves. She's not as ruthless as Ashra can be, having a bit of a sweeter heart, but she will do her best to try to help Ashra reach her goal if she can help it.

Vex's engineering can also help add mechanical elements to enemies or bosses to add enemy variations or more choice in how bosses can work or look. BUT I'd have to work more into concepts of that before I can be sure, so will have to check in next week for that if I make any to show, until then though, that'll be all for this week.

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