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Platformer Progress - More Enemy Concepting, a Strategy for Sprite Creation/Planning

Hello to you all, we've got another week of showcasing to do today.

Construct being a slight pain in the butt with it not working most of the day needed for compiling screencaps with that I wouldn't already pre-get captured

But that doesn't mean I have nothing to show, I do still have showcases less of development completely, but also methods to develop with.

Over a recent bit of time, if my last post with the lives icon showed, pictures to sprites tend to help out a good bit. So I wanted to test this further.

Logically, the next step from a (mostly) static sprite, with some variants to face expression, is something that can move, subtly at least. No complicated big spring movements yet, something without limbs.. like the goo enemies wouldn't ya know that fit just right for the trial run.

My idea of trying out was this:

- Take my existing sprites of my basic goo enemy as a foundation.

- Expand the size of the of the sprite greatly to use it's proportions for sketching.

- Sketch V2 of old enemy sketches, but planning their angles in sprite form this time.

- Take the sketch, scale down, and use that as base to make a sprite out of.

You can see looking at the first letters of each, it fittingly spells T.E.S.T.. this was half intentional.

For a comparison, this is the sketches of the enemy types in general, just to make them concept drawn in a "visualize their form" matter.

This time around, this was trying to turn them to an angle they'd be facing, make each cycle of the propeller for the copter goo, eyes facing the direction the base sprites already have been, all the works like that.

Even the goo glove crouching, to punching up.

Alongside re-sketching the goos to be adjusted for sprite making, I also wanted to take a chance at boss sketching.

I know I wanna experiment that sometime, so I thought I'd at least sketch the possibility of what I could work with.

And I thought I'd be a bit silly with it, and try a goo but in a BIG mech.

Simple, silly, takes a common enemy to make him a boss so a fun lil twist of positions in mind.

Not for now, no, definitely not. This would be a maybe for later down the line, already got enough to fix and add as is.

I did it with the Lives icon, I can likely try and do it again.

Small side note, added a white border anyways to do 2 things, - The first was to add some kinda popout effect when in dark settings, layers, etc. - The second was when hit or maybe having a powerup or something, the box can change colors maybe, along with his face expression, and convey more detail with only colors.

These changes for sure only can be truly shown in due time, I'm still working on it, and TRYING audio, more about that sometime maybe, but until then that'll be all for me.

So until next time, that'll be all.

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