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Platformer Progress - Obstacles and Bounce Mobility WIP

Hello to all again, we're back in the time of the week where I update everyone on the Platformer project of which only grows further. This week is continuing the obstacles / enemies / damage systems to give hazards for the playable Moof.

For the obstacles themselves, there is currently a "Version 1" of the sprite for floor spikes, obviously will work further on it to match the style like having more drastically different shades to reflect a shiny metal appearance, but the resolution of it and it's function can be pre-set while making the finalized sprites.

The current spike size compared to both the Moof and basic unnamed goo enemy species. About midline for it's size in the current global ruler, and contemplating making it 32x32 instead of the current 28x28, give it a number matching the universal multiple of 16x16 tiles of which right now it is lacking.

Outside of spikes I've been touching into the goos themselves, or moreso the act of bouncing off of them. It's not too much, but I got it to reset the ability to redive after bouncing off of one. This way you can jump, bounce off of one, dive to the other to bounce off it, then dive again.

Unfortunately getting a video of it is a bit harder without a proper set up, since it's bouncing from one to another it goes by quickly, so I hope it's able to be at least kinda well seeable here. If not, please let me know and I can try to get a proper test place in place for it to be.

The stage itself can have static harming interactions now, combined with the development of chaining bounces off of the actual moving enemies.. All I should need is a hurt sprite and some touch-ups to the code itself, then at least the general hurt and be hurt system should be workable and ready to apply to other enemies and even levels.

Not too much to explain for the post, but the ability to have a universal damage system is a pretty big impact to have, so any bit of addition is a big one I'd feel.

I'll keep working on it more, finalize the basics before making room to make it look good, have it work good first, until then though while I'm doing that, that will be all for this post.

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