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Platformer Progress - Refinement of Moofments (Moof Movements), Before and After Video Included

Eyo to everyone again, new week calls for new progress updates.

And while last week was lacking in regards of showable details, this time around I got proper showings of what it is I've been working on.

A bit goes into both concept as well as function, so function shall be talked about primarily as most of the concept is stage props/skins for items like springs and walls.

Topic for now is the stats a playable character has. Or in this case, the refinement of it, the Jump Strength, Fall Speed, Run Speed, those kinds of things.

What I've been doing was gradually adjusting the numbers around, this is what it looks like now and might not be finalized, but I've been tweaking numbers higher, lower, by big numbers and small alike with testing around each change, trying to make Moof just feel right to move around, where I feel like it's getting closer to there.

His jump should be a proper arc, weight to it, not too high to look weird, and not too low to be unusable for level geometry to be more fluid.

His run should have a proper start and stop, give it a bit more land speed so he doesn't feel like a snail, but not so fast to be hard to maneuver.

He's built proportionately like essentially a baby, so he's not the best at jumping and running necessarily with his little limbs, but it should be good enough to fit the bill and enable exploration.

I finally also managed to get a video of the V1 and V2 build of the moof stats to compare how he was before and after refining these things.

V1 on the left, and V2 on the right respectively as shown at the start here:

They keep the dive because of the project file the same way, so comparing that would require editing two clips together from both projects, but for this iteration of Moof, this is how it's turning out.

A stumpier but more steady jump, slightly faster running, however the dive is different because they're using the same dive, but different gravity stats. I will be making the dive itself for V2 a bit stronger most likely but the difference there is due to the difference of their stats so don't pay too much into it attention wise.

Alongside this, unfortunately with not much to show as it is going less than ideally so far as I'm more used to smaller bodies, my goals after this is making sprites for taller characters, or more specific, one particular tall character of higher priority.

The main villain gal herself, Ashra. Whom already has a ref sheet and simple enough coloring, I just need to get her proportions and angles down better.

There is a head only at the moment, meant to be bigger than Moof's as is, so hey, there's something there to show, if only just partial at most, it's still something, right?

This is however a problem I keep attempting and is acting as a bit of a hardwall right now, so I will have to attempt and show more for THAT later.

I'll have to keep at it though, and present more as it comes along, So for now at least, that'll be all from me for the time.

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