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Platformer Progress - Shop Design, Speech/Dialog Box Design, Pose Sketches, and Bestiary Concepts

Hello to you all, new week for new stuff and for a bit I've been a bit all over in where I should be working at, so the progress is less a big bit in one area, and many areas with some. There's a good few I will try to go over.

First thing is about the shops from before, starting with Seit's while he's getting animated, I've begun working on his layout and background.

It's going to be fully shaded and colored proper, right now is just base color.. partially. But the idea of the setting is a dark, void-like room with just Moof, Seit, and his wares to convey this otherworldly feeling of Seit's domain.

The right housing the shop options, and text box to select actions to do, or when in the shop menu, house the item's descriptions. The left holding the shopkeep (Seit or otherwise as Seit's on one shop space only), and dialog boxes for them talking.

Speaking of text boxes, that's another thing for these shop screens, and what I've made two versions of, for the normal shopkeep in every world but the last, and one special one for Seit, speech boxes, moreover their frames.

Seit keeping this fine golden frame, as normal cases would be a silly cardboard box like what would house delivered wares,

One's sillier and themed on a storage box, one's finer, something lined in gold to fit a spectral lad such as Seit.

So arguably the shop aspect is getting a majority of the recent work, but what about outside of that function? Well this is where the rest come in.

The rest isn't the most involved yet, mainly just sketch concepts for a what if, but it's better than nothing. First is sketches for the main lad to help Moof out, though not to be playable, Dial.

Basic stuff, an idle stance, walking, a charge, that stuff, but it's mainly just for pose idea.

Alongside him, is some sketches for a gallery/character bio viewer. The rough idea of a shared universal ink splash and illustration of the character. Well I took a try at that.

Got Moof, Dial, The (Beta name) Goo-bers (base goo enemies as a collective), and one from some time back for the mansion levels, The Shade, shown below for that one.

Still fluctuating on making the gallery a book/tome theme or Ashra's data logs on a computer.

That might be the hardest part of making that gallery design wise to be honest.

There's a few things I need to plan around however, things like how many characters there are to add around (main characters, how many enemy varieties), if I should have separate entries for the variants of the Goo-bers (bucket floater, spiked, standard, etc.) alongside the general one for their "species" as a whole, that stuff.

Trying to get ideas done, but worry about the progress of them, trying my best to do what I can though, but to a degree feel some things aren't moving as much, I don't know, it's a weird area.

Doing what I can though, the best I can, so hopefully I'll get more to show soon, though that's something I can only address later, so for now at least, that will be all from me.

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