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Platformer Progress - Shopkeeper Seit and General Animation Testing in the Works

Hello again to you all, today's post might not have too too much images wise, but that will be explained in a second real soon, but to get into the details is what I'm here to do today so let's delve into that all.

So recently I've actually attempted to go into trialing Clip Studio's animation features, which I have near 0 experience with animating aside from mild art class on-paper styled light box frame-by-frame animating to VERY mild degrees, and sprite animations like the stuff shown in the past with my project where I'd improvise off rough poses and fill the gaps myself.

I am to believe by this point the sprite animation part at least is something delved into before, But for a refresher of the examples anyways:

This kind of stuff, simple enough motions, cartoony smear lines for the running and all.

Well I recently got into delving more into animating through as I mentioned before Clip Studio, the program I use for sketch-work and other art stuff alike.

Which is going to benefit me well in the long run, as I can go from individual poses like so:

To some stuff with motion, like this: (where I can take the above too and add motion to it also)

Which this was the very first trial run, loosely keyframe only, about 4-5 frames, but it drives the idea in. But, you might be wondering aside from the how, what kind of potentials should this have if I were to try something more.. detailed for the better word choice?

Well that's where I being the title's choice of words for this post into question, a shopkeeper, named Seit who I have shown before.

If you haven't seen him before, this lad here, the one with the contorting face and one eye.

Well, he's the prime subject for a stable (enough) character to trial animating on a more detailed/involved scale, and trial he's getting.

This is being worked on at the moment, with the original detail sketch of his shop behind him

He's stationary enough to not have waving fluid all over motions until I do specific actions, so can work on a lively idle of sorts, where that too has it's list of moving bits.

Simple enough, the trial gif plays at what should be 12 FPS, which I hope is a good number while not being an extensively long one for one person to do off the bat.

From the taps of his weird mit-like hands, to the occasionally blinking eye, the motion of hos torso for breathing, and his ear wiggles all coming together.

Not sure if his concept makes him look more like a Gray Fox, a Jackal, or a Wolf, but he's sure.. Seit, so that's enough to work off of?

Weird cryptic recordkeeper lad who's in for the trading business for a small blue creature for some reason, best to not ask why, but to roll with it right?

Still a massive work-in-progress though as I'm seeing what I can do winging it solo before going into any tutorials or anything like that, but it seems to be going nicely so far I think.

The sprite animation has been doing alright for this method afterall.

He'll be getting more attention to him, as I plan on making his coding and all work before making every refined frame, but can sketch everything out too while doing that to make progress on both.

However, this is something that can only be shown further in time as I'm still working on it now, so for the time being at least, that'll be all from me for now.

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