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Platformer Progress - Spike Resprite/Repositioning, Functions, and Touch-Ups a Plenty

Heya to everyone once again, last week might have had no portfolio presentations, but this week let's me show my efforts once again. And I've been trying to get into a few primary fixes and touch ups over adding new entire functions.

It's mostly minor stuff for the time, but any progress is better than no progress. First thing is working more on the Spikes.

I'm still working on getting them to only damage the player from the top instead of just from touching ANY side, but for the time, positioning is as good a fix as I can get. For the time I'm using walls on the sides to be a pseudo fix to this problem while generally working on fixing the problem itself.

Alongside positioning, the screenshot and video both also show a slight rework of the spike sprites themselves, may remove the back layer of spikes though, not sure but it looks over spiked like this, like way too compressed together.

Spikes got a visual touch up and a temporary kind of fix.

The Goo enemy type has much of the same going for them, visual fixes, but not QUITE the main problem of theirs, their fix more lies in the stomp effect the goo-type enemies get, now also kinda playing the effect to the initial stomped enemy over EVERY instance of the enemy.

Not sure how well the video will let it be seen with the moving, but yeah only the stomped one has the splat effect pop up. The fix was an odd one however.

It's less a fix and more I set the origin points for the goo splats that spawn about 20k pixels away from the enemy on every animation that wasn't the one it needed to play on. And to be fair.. it works.

Outside of the whole wall-collision problem, they too get closer to functioning.


While working with Mike on the problem, Functions I learned from him can not only possibly save a lot of time on repeating code, but also help fix some problems, one problem being Moof having 0 knockback of any kind.

While it's not the Sonic Genesis Game or Skullmonkey esque knockbacks, he actually HAS a knockback which is major progress.

With help on the initial coding itself, this was the example to get into the idea of Functions.

Not only is direction possible, but if I need to use multiple instances of damage implementation, this one Function, mixed with the ability to just.. call back to it, will make the ability to add coding to the game faster, but also easier on the eyes to read in general.

And I plan on converting any/more repeat instances in the project into a simpler Function format if needed to, this will hopefully surely make my further work in the game much easier.

One hopeful possibility will be to align the actions of the universal Goalpost to one function, while making separate small individual events to specify marking the levels they're in at the time of contact as completed.

The initial contact action as shown here is already put into a Function to call back to when needed.

Spikes, Functions, and Enemy's smaller visual details, would like to believe it's not too bad of an update, lingering bigger issues remain, but the overall annoyances list is shortening more and more.

Hopefully the streak of improvement continues into next week and beyond too, however, only time can truly answer that for me. So until then, that'll be all from me for today.

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