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Platformer Progress - Sprites, of Maps and Taller Figures

Welcome to you all once more, it's that time of the week again, where we all show the efforts of our week.

Today is no different for my showcase of deeds been done, although this is more a continuation to the visual side of things, I have a majority of the level assets, and am also working on concepts of level layouts, so while that's going on I'm also making more of my map amongst testing other concepts.

The map is coming along rather nicely, populated a bit more, and with their big tree landmark, where using what I did for Gran Trak way back, I'm going to have triggers to make the tree half visible when Moof is behind it to make it easier to see and move around.

This combined with more tree life around the left side, of which will have hitboxes to keep from walking into/ontop of. So at the moment there's a bit of a "path" that goes around the tree also.

Combined with the map work, is a test run for a "taller character" sprite proportioning. Since I have to get Ashra's soon enough, I used a experimental, yet will be unused character of sorts for what a longer character would be like to make sprites for.

Something roughly Two Moofs tall, more or less

The test run of it is going pretty alright, not going too into it for more of an idea than an implemented thing, but it gives an idea for when it's Ashra's turn.

I only really dread when I've gotta go into audio more than I already have, which is inevitable, but I'm more visuals and design like this and MAYBE level layouts at most, so it's definitely out of the element so to speak.

Although more work being developed can only show as it's being done, and I'll keep working to at least get everything else (non auditory) done, so I'll keep updating as it goes along, until then that'll be all from me.

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