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Platformer Progress - Spritework and Some Technical Issue

Welcome once again for another week's updates to the platformer long-term project, this current week may not have as much to it yet as I'm working out technical problems more than finishing the functions they're a part of, but I'm getting them sorted at least, and prepping some sprites in advance.

Current issues at the moment is the Goo enemies and their turning around when more than one is in the level, when one turns around after bumping into the wall by itself it works perfectly, yet when a 2nd is on screen the same action makes them all frozen in place.

The second is a knockback when the Moof is hit, trying to give a knockback like Skullmonkeys or Sonic does, however no matter what angle I set the force of the knockback to, the playable Moof seems to always think he's being knocked straight down. He doesn't move far, kinda stutters in place, and when the enemies being hit is enabled, won't do the knockback at all in order to bounce off the enemy instead.

I'm currently TRYING to fix these, but so far my own theorized methods of fixing these have not been working so far.

Outside of those however, I've been also continuing the spriteworking process, first thing is the spikes from last post, they've gotten some work done to look better in darker backgrounds.

The old Spikes, with weirder looking outside edges in testing and all using one spike look no matter the depth:

The new Spikes, somewhat color shifted, back spikes simulating depth with darker colors of the palette used, and a solid grayer edge instead of an attempted fade:

The spikes only theoretically can be weird when side by side but that's MAAAAYBE just an opinion based thing, to each their own though, not sure myself yet.

Alongside the sprite rework of the spikes, Moof himself is also getting some new ones, basic enough ones like a hurt sprite for the damage system that's currently being fixed from issues, a spinning ball sprite that could maybe be used for a special jump effect off of choice enemies or maybe the springs even, and an older one but also working on getting the flat sprite to be possibly better.

Unfortunately not too big an update week, my main goal coming with complications making things a bit slower than I initially had planned, but I want to get the universal harder stuff done first then make the levels and such after so I don't have to add more features unless needed to for a specific level or world down the line.

Only plus side is that the Moof spritesheet gets bigger, lots of Moofs.

I'll try to fix these bugs though and will have to get back to ya all when I have progress to be made, I hope to be able to come with better news about them, but for now that is all from me for the week.

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