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Platformer Progress - Spritework; Further Sprite-sheeting Cannon Enemies, and Hit Icon

Eyo again to everyone,

This week I can't help feel has been a bit slow, trying to make coding work (of which I'll show screencaps for when I have workable detailing, it's not all too far in yet), but yet I've got some work I can at least show none the less.

I've taken the last bit of time to do an 8020 between visual sprite work and coding, so the sprite process at least is more showable. In a mix between the finalizing sprites for the cannon enemies, as well as adding some detail I've been wanting to for the lives icon in the bottom-left of the HUD.

The Cannon Enemies possibly have one of the the most sprites total of the entirety of the enemies so far, between that or the Trap-Type Enemies.

* Two types of cannons where the projectile fired is slower or faster in idea,

* Two types of cannon balls where I'm picking which ball looks better and won't be using both unless as a color variant in a background that'd make em harder to see,

* Blinking sprites to give a sign of near firing.

* Also the charging sprites for the cannons both with the goo-entity under and by itself incase I want to add changes to them or use as decor in backgrounds somewhere.. somehow.

The total of the charging is 5 sprites, smooth enough to hopefully look good, but not too many sprites to take forever to complete it in a proper time-span.

Implementing this variation in particular, the both of them, could prove troubling, I hope not.

Outside of that however is one other small-ish change, I've wanted to give the HUD some intractability too for a bit of time. And it's not much, but I'm starting that off primarily through the lives icon.

Since the icon at the moment is the Moof face wedged into frame, being based off of an actual icon photo more or less, I thought it'd allow for some conditional expressions.

In mind, getting a life, getting hit, losing a life, primarily can add a face expression and color to the white box, temporarily at least.

I started off with a "on hit" icon, making a face, and a red box over the white.

It's both silly, and has purpose to convey a bit more life in even the smaller aspects, as Moofs are meant to be a joyous, expressive kind. All whilst also keeping a Simpler, Wholesome feel.

Or in shorter terms, they are Creatures of Joy.

Overall, I believe that I can make this work out, a mix of expression and detail, to give the Moof Project both life, and personality.. Visually so far, I'm still figuring out auditory in regards to sounds and music alike, give that some time.

I'll keep working for making more progress and update as it comes along, although that's progress that can only come in time.

So for now, that'll be all from me, and I'll update further soon.

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