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Platformer Progress - Tile and Moof Spritework, Sketch to Sprite Progression in Detail

Heyo again, new week is time for new developments, and my week is a grip of visual work.

A bit back, I showed off the idea of sketching the poses in the (roughly adjusted to scale) proportioning and size of Moof pre-transition to spritework as was shown with his running animation.

This week kind of expands on that actually, and other spritework bits.

I worked on a good ol' page of assorted poses to put into a more lively, moving form, where at least all but the bottom-left one will have likely use to it so will likely be all but that one sprited.

A push for when Moof is walking but also has a wall or other object to his respective sides, a few on a board if I can get one idea to work including a cute little flopped over animation, and some of a dance for hitting the end-goal post to name some work/plans.

So far only some of the push animation's been done but I'll show that with something else actually, so I can do both simultaneously.

So, for an idea to build in mind, this is some of my Prisma tileset,

Or more-so an old picture of it where the style didn't change, only the amount of tiles it has, so there's more of these but to show them themselves:

A LONG while back I also showed these tiles off, a sandy type of tile with some grass to be for an island setting, the visuals of this are telling that it's a Version 1 alone.

Side by side, this doesn't seem to constant in visuals or even themes now, does it?

So naturally, I decided to fix this.

So I've been working, alongside the push sprite (soon to be sprites), on some new Island themed tiles, and the results so far show for themselves.

Also slight push change is the running circle feet to show giving more effort into the pushing. He's a small lad so it'd be fitting to look like he gives more effort into trying to push stuff to match.

Might remake his face since the sketch's face is cuter.

I likely will change the rock colors of these sprites to be lighter, to give some diversity between the island and the Prisma area itself.

But I also can change the sand tiles' sprites even more than that to have the rocks be more sand-colored if I want to reuse these for a desert setting, but that decision is less than decided on.

The tile-sheet has most of the basics, top layer blocks, mid and bottom layers for the sand that'll run deeper than the grass leading to the stone, corner sprites for each sand and grass to properly transition to eachother.

The sand and stone tiles includes grain in the stone for a more sandy-run in feeling.

And the grass has one special, collision-less tile purely there to add the top blades of grass and have the island seem a bit livelier rather than looking basically mowed down to a flat-top field.

Overall I would believe it's going pretty well so far, and will keep going good as I go along.

However, that's the key phrase, "as I go along", I'll be able to update further as I keep working, but that only comes in time.

So until then, that'll be all from me this week, and I'll keep trying to do my best to progress further along in the project.

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