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Sprites, Concept Art, and Some Progression.

Heya, back at it again with.. one long update post over a few smaller ones, I half forget to make more, half feel like I should wait til there's more. Nonetheless, there is more to show for both Gun Fight and preparation with other projects.

For Gun Fight, I was looking over it and deciding on what to do with the visual theme, not only to have mechanics separate from what others may do, but also visuals. And while I have two things mechanically, one movement, one projectile based in mind, the visuals are definitely going to be a slight oddity.

I wanted to do something goofy, cute, fun. What better a face to show those off than a face that looks like this? They're small and wear the thematic color-oriented hats.

I have the Moofs as the main character in mind for the platformer project, and also as a Statue in Gran Trak 10, but they're a species, they can be multiple, and in various places. So why not have them playing western.

Currently also working on changing the bullets, the Moofs are basically like children, so instead of bullets, the sprites look like corks from a cork gun. At the moment however, trying to get a visual effect made for when said corks hit anything. When they do, they're gonna turn into a temporary particle, bouncing lightly off what it hit and plop onto the floor.

At least he seems to be happy about it. Look at that little smile on his face.

Music for this one will also be interesting, along with making sound effects to fit this goofier take on the setting and idea. The sound effects are more doable, western sounding music is definitely gonna be a new thing for me... I will look up what it sounds like soon to be accurate.

The to-do list is making the cork visuals and obstacles, getting my two mechanics to work, making music and sound effects, and generally to make it all fun and look fun.

I mentioned also theoretically testing out the Gun Fight sand on my other project's island background also, and also come bearing an image of a test run for that. It seems to be going mostly well right now. Of course it's FAR from done, but it's going kinda well.

This project has also been getting some concept art too, the visual looks of it are a weird meshing of cute, and horrifying in the same room. For one end, the Moofs are cute and small, on the other end, we have machinery and designs coexisting like this.

The existence of these two ends help make each other stick out further in theory, emphasizing the oddity of having the two themes meet.

The world is vast, and so is what inhabits it...

The small lad is gonna have a field day exploring this all, look at him, he looks excited already.

There will be a big world to be made using this lad. Because the Moofs like to explore, so they're open to MANY possible things to see, be in, and do. And they try to have fun doing it.

The week could be either very eventful, or not entirely depending on how it's looked at, I'd like to feel like it has been. And really it can only hopefully get even more so the more time goes on. So at least until next post, will keep working on making good things.

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