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Tanks and Racecars, A Long-gap Recap


Updated: Jan 7, 2022

Hey there, it has just been a fair while since making a post. A lot of eventful things have been going on the last few weeks persay, but am back now! I come not only with a bit more Tank stuff, but now also Gran Trak 10.

Tank is kinda minuscule, and also was made first, so it can be talked about first. Tanks getting dirt particles when they drive forward, the arena is all dirt, so it feels more natural to have it as such.

May go back and fix it some day as something seems to cause a delay for sound effects but I'm not sure if it's the particles when driving, or if the sprites themselves have too much of.. them in one screen.

Not too big of a something, but I did wanna point it out, but on to the NEW STUFF, we got GRAN TRAK 10! Slow motions of the tanks now dials up to an 11 in comparison, and already we have it looking and working good!

The added feature of this one like how Tanks had the mines, I'm considering doing two. The first is technically more an additive to one part of the lessons.

The lessons teach about booleans and using them to set up abilities to make a non-cheatable lap. I sorta added to and modified that a bit, there's now 4 checkpoints and they alter your state on the track a bit. - The first is just above the bridge in the center, it makes the bridge a bit transparent so you don't hit a wall. - The second is under the bridge, it makes the bridge solid again. - The third is on it's right side, it lets you go over the bridge this time instead of under by shifting the layer you're on. - The last is on it's left, moves you back to the start layer and lets you get the lap point.

Even if you manage to somehow get to 2 before 1, each point ONLY activates if you've also touched the ones before it, you can back up into 4, or 3 even, but it won't count until you get the other points, you NEED to do them all in order.

Upon completing the lap you also get back 10 seconds, from personal experience and small testing I could do a lap in about 15 seconds, maybe others can do it faster and go for a higher score, or even whatever the highest possible can be.

Overall Gran Trak is going well, gonna touch the controls up a bit, get some decor put in, and get some video soon.

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