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Week Sidetask - Concept Sketches and Some (Small) Platformer Issues

Heyo again, I got a new post this week, albeit a shorter one than usual likely.

The Platformer Project is giving me some issues on the map layout, where for some reason any and all code on it specifically just refuses to work, so in the meantime I'm preparing for other stuff, while experimenting on how to fix this problem.

While that's being sorted, this week has been some concept or general sketch work, even a (kinda) something for Monster Monday, I'll join the VC one of these days.

But I got someone both to show for a theme.. or in this case the free theme week, and someone who I originally made in 2020, but decided to revamp THREE YEARS LATER.

If my theme of choice was a free pick, I used Time.

Something or someone tied with the flow of time, either a representation of it, and/or someone/thing that keeps maintenance of it like a mythical entity.

Back in 2020 I did a Time Keeper Owl, named Greenwich:

2023, I decided to take this and kinda rework the look for my today style of sketching:

Using the wings like a cloak, updating the armor, and using some more dynamic curved eyes, while keeping the arrows running down his cheeks and the pauldrons.

Greenwich is, in idea, the keeper and maintenance of the flow of time,

The Owl being a symbol of wisdom, patience, and truth, alongside being considered the spirit realm messengers.

This was used to make a form that reads composure, a watching eye, and some regality even with armor on his body.

The feeling of a White-Black-Gold color scheme could work well for the armor, maybe even light blonde to sort of mix that white/gold into a light shine for the feathers of his body.

Alongside Greenwich, I've gone back to sketch Ashra in full to get an idea of her body proportions to get myself an idea of how she should look size wise upon being made in a sprite form(e), this was went alright I'd think too:

just something for the body to give a size base, even the long shadowy arms, also I might have added a small silly thing in the corner, just really to give some kinda interaction that I thought would be amusing.

It's not too much, but I think it's pretty alright, trying to make the platformer map work still, so it's something in the meantime.

I'll keep trying to make the map layout work in the meantime, but I'd have to update as progress in that goes along, so until then, that's all from me this week.

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