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Artwork/Platformer - Banner/Design Concept, Character Personalities in Singular Poses.

Hello one and all once again, been a while since the last post as there was no Friday last week, however that doesn't stop me now, I've been working on a few things that'll be kept in secret for now, however, I do have something to show today at least.

This time around is a mix of a few things in one. Primarily wanting to try out making a wallpaper-y/banner kind of image for the Moof Project characters, the second was to use this also and see about capturing their personalities or demeanor with no words and just posing alone.

The sketch

And where it is at the moment:

It's not ALL outlined yet, however I wanted to show key figures, and something about them in how they're shown in this image.

- From Moof being all hyped, looking at the viewer with a wave and a smile to match his joyous cartoon fella vibe, smile creature of joy.

- Ashra's energetic yet also aggressive laugh/smile,

- And Dial going full charge/sprint, bolting right towards Ashra

That kinda stuff, showing something silly, straightforward, laid back, etc.

I'm working on sprites still, and contemplating some actions with my current Moof Project to, hopefully, make it easier to work with, as of now outside of event folders/groups, it seems not the most organized, so I want to fix that, and maybe change the on-hit event since the knockback half works and a lot of the time doesn't, maybe a nudge up instead of backwards.

I'm working on the in-game development alongside visual concepts/artwork, trying to give images to life that can be reworked on to be used for a title screen, or other kinds of menu arts or something else along those lines, but that's a steady, unfortunately also slow, development.

Sorta like how the lives icon shown in the past was also originally an artwork piece, albeit an icon originally, not something art wise that was specifically made for this purpose in advance.

However, I can only show my work as it's being done, so that'll be in due time.

So, at least for now, that'll be all from me for now, so I'll see ya next time with more to show.

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