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General Art - Human Practice, Artwork Done W/O Photo References, Icon and Banner Piece WIP

Hello once again, been a bit I've noticed as I've been gone the last week and a bit to do some much needed moving/organizing around. Got back on around this week tho with some stuff to share.

This week I had a bit less time than I'd like to get fully into my platformer project, although I am sketching poses for someone for it later I'd hopefully love to share in the coming week(s), for now at least it's trying to warm back up after being off for so long.

This is in the form of two things done in the last 2 days I was on for, practicing more detailed human based illustrations, without photo references also added on mainly to see how well that'd go, and I think the results will speak for themselves.

First thing was an icon.

I worked on making more distinct details while not overdoing it, soft enough shading to clothes, head, and hair to give the visual distinctions of hair shine, fabric rifts giving shaded bits of depth, shine to the glasses lenses, etc.

I also wanted a background with a pattern, but not too standout of one to distract from the main focus, the purple going with the glasses as a consistent color there, but also to contrast enough from the rest of the body.

Alongside that is another one, but it's sketch only so far, working on that.

It's not much, but I want to make a better styled face for my human character types, a mix of somewhat realer and with the comic-styled traits I've used before, like the below focuses more on with said comic style detailing in the larger hair and all.

The visual differences being.. (hopefully) very telling when as side by side as Wix allows em.

I've still got poses to work on for taller lads like Dial, and the demon characters like Pierce, Valentine, and most importantly Ashra, since she's the main one of the lot as the antagonist.

I'll be working on that one more though, but at least for now, while unfortunately, but understandably, a shorter post, that'll be all from me for now.

Will keep doing my best and posting developments as they go, but until then, will keep working on.

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