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Moof Project - Idle Animation, Moof Now Has No Animations That Are Static

Hello, new week, new updates. Now while I do have a change I can show in full, I also have plans I can talk about and see how they could work.

The deeds being done is actively adding frames to animations to either smooth them out a bit, or in one case, actually give em an animation in that regard at all. For an animation that actually now HAS the animation part of it's name, the idle. The sprites in total only use 7 sprites.

3 for a little bit of a bobbling motion, bouncy approach, and 2 sets of 2 for a small dancing kinda shuffle. I only need 7, but to get it in the way provided below, I have em loop closer to playing through 50 frames worth of this.

Simple, but effective, and it's the only animation set I had that didn't have ANY frames of movement, so it does what it was made to do well.

As of now that makes this the collective Moof Sprite-sheet so far, every sprite Moof has.

There's a few that are unused sprites however, like his old walk/run sprites for example, but a good 90% are in use in one way or another, or are pending their uses, all in due time.

Outside of sprite work, I am also contemplating opening a Twitter page exclusively for this project, in regards to more than the work in-game, and possibly more often posts too.

In idea things like concept sketches, test videos that don't have Wix's limited media space, old vs new comparisons of in-development pieces, etc.

For an example of concept art, some silly stuff occasionally like this could be part of that.

I'm working on the @ name for that at the moment, but realistically I COULD be making posts to two places soon, here, and there.

However that is theoretical, I'll get a page set up hopefully soon and see how well it'll actually work in practice. This page idea of mine, and future updates overall however only come in time, so I will update you all when and if I get it to work.

Until next time, that'll be all from me, for now at least.

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