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Platformer Pieces - "Coin" Animation and Concept Sketches

Welcome again back to my page of progress recaps. We're coming back in with some more Platformer assets and updates ready to be shown around.

This time around since the level geometry was done, and enemies are work-in-progress, I thought I might as well give the coins some affection too, and not leave it out of the creation progress.

The Moofs in mind don't really have a sense of.. money, so the fun challenge of concept was making something that they WOULD collect, and then the point of concept was realized that worked perfect with their character.

Moofs as characters/a species like muffins, a lot. So why not do something with that and make the coins into "coins", yanno with quotation marks. Something they would pick up because it's what they love and would definitely get to use in one way or another, Muffins, or in this case, Muffin Bits. So I got a quick concept made:

A Muffin Bit, round, small, squishy. Perfect for them, and not stopping at a concept, how about how it'll look in the game itself, so I opened Firealpaca, the art program I use, and got to working on that.

And I got something relatively quickly made, for at least a test run. A rotating Muffin ball.

They'll lightly float and spin around, and I might make an outline for them to make em more visible if needed, test runs would need to be ran. As well as being able to make em lightly move up and down probably to make em more noticeable.

I tested this in the only level I currently have, so others can tell me how well it works.

Only downside, they're not collectable YET. This is for a main key reason, I want to make the coins work much differently than in games like Sonic or Mario.

Outside of the whole "100 equals a life" system, but I don't want to spoil the fun there just yet either of the details. Just know, instead of a 0-100 counter, it's a global counter.

Don't get me wrong though, this does NOT mean it's going to be an "Infinite lives" type of game like Sonic Forces is, in fact, I've got a concept bit for a life icon seen below here.

Just a little face on a bottom corner, then it'd be a:

(Icon) X (Life Number)

Kind of look. So visually there is gonna be a little smile on screen at all times to an extent. Coin counter and maybe score on one corner, lives on another, gonna make a good HUD for the lad I hope.

Other than that, not TOO greatly much to point out aside from smaller goals and bug fixes needing to be done, or that have been fixed. So until the next post, that will be all for me here.

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