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Platformer Progress, Dive A Continuation, Timing, Booleans, and Spritework Continuation

Heya to everyone, so for a rundown of last time I mentioned having two builds of dives I was going to weigh the pros and cons over so I can better my Moof control.

And last week "Method A" was being worked on where the control of direction was into consideration via arrows to launch up, down, or straight but with no after-dive bounce. This week is trial and error-ing this Method A, mostly error,

But I've been getting some progress to there, more specifically so far by fixing the mirroring of the arrows and adding proper up and down force with the arrows held respectively upon releasing the dive key, that and making the dive only doable once per jump.

Keeping the code that works, so far the process is a simple one:

  • Upon holding the dive key, Moof, when in the air, will freeze in place due to the vectors being nulled out, and the arrows will spawn as a guide for direction. The ability to dive being monitored by a boolean set to only enable it again once doing an animation specifically meant for acting when grounded in some form.

  • The Up or Down keys, both WASD form and Arrow Key form at the moment, are to show the angle to make the arrow of choice highlighted (code not yet implemented for animation changes), and affect direction upon key release, letting go of the direction before letting go of the dive key makes it default to going straight forward.

  • The arrows ALSO get set mirrored and not mirrored properly, the flipping of direction IS coded as the animation isn't, and the function is to work both directions too.

  • Upon releasing the dive key, the arrow object immediately deletes as the proper dive happens, IF I wanted to be semi goofy/meta about it I could make Moof shatter the arrow too like he's diving through it, buuuuuuuut realistically I don't HAVE to if I feel it's not worth it.

  • Upon touching the floor, which no matter what has the Moof doing ANY of the animations listed, the dive ability will be re-enabled, this is to keep from chaining dives in the air, HOWEVER, this also allows me to make certain enemies that when bounced on can also give a dive back, again if I wanted to as it's an event to retrigger the boolean, not just a direct on or off hardcoded situation.

I have two layers of checking on being mirrored, both for hitting the key and releasing it, as one is for setting up the dive, and the other has to make sure the dive goes the proper direction when let go, so that both mirrored and not will not just launch Moof towards the right.

It's an easy enough addition to mirror-check, however it's the Dive's launch itself that's got issues, in my old coding it'd only give a temporary push, but if you're not holding a key down then he moves like 5 feet and just drops down like a boulder, I don't like that, so that's the biggest trial and error factor here right now.

Now also you might be wondering what I meant by the animations being set for the arrows, outside of setting an arrow at full visibility and the two non-selected arrows at 50% opacity in the animations.

Well I'm glad that you theoretically asked in advance to actually doing so!

So I decided that I wanted to spice up some of the flare with these functions, alongside needing to fix the dive animations, the assets involved also needed to be spiced up, this is what I ended up getting:

The left is the arrows alone, I added a gloss to them to make em a bit flashier overall.

The middle is all 5 of the glow slides from 10% opacity to 100%, to show the slides there are

The right shows 1, 3, and 5, showing each slide's coverage area overall

I'm showing these because they lead up to something, I'm gonna try to make a flashing arrow where the light goes from base to tip, amplifying emphasis on the direction the Moof will go when the key is let go, it's a simple 5-6 frame sequence, but it should make a great showing of a bit of detail none the less.

All I really need to do is just save the frames to add into the project properly, rather than having just the assets made, they've got to get their mileage too.

Flair, Function, and Fun, the three big Fs more or less for fun gameplay.

These are the things that I not only want to go for, but also want to make feel great while doing it. It might be slow feeling, but man, it'll be WORTH it when it's done.

I however have only that to show for the updates for the moment, more will come as I keep working on it, so for now at least, that will be all for me, until next time.

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