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Platformer Progress - First Level Build Visual

Hello to everybody once again, it's time for another blog post, unfortunately not too big of one however as most of the week has been attempts, not successful ones, of fixing some bugs and errors with the game.

The issues with hit knockback and enemy turn around I felt like was getting somewhere but it only really stayed at that, with not too much for actual progress outside of fixing the ability to get rehit and be able to hit enemies after the flashing from the initial hit. The re-hit potential is slowly getting better, it's the initial knockback and being hit itself which isn't working. I'll probably need to get outside help for this in the coming weeks cause I've been making attempts to fix it myself with seemingly no avail.

However last week I did say the initial testing level itself was just about done, it's been basically done for a while as most of my building this time was using it as testing grounds while doing the universal functions like Moof, the Coins, and basic test Enemies alike. The level's been almost done, just now with small specifics like the one way wall and such. and I got a zoomed out screenshot to fully see the scope of it:

Even got some screenshots made by using the "Parallax in Editor" setting in the editor itself to show the level off more, and I feel like they're good

And a view of the entire background itself without level geometry, even the lower level gems.

Call it some glamor shots of the level itself while fixing some of the bigger issues going on at the moment. This is the kinda scenery I want to have for the Moof project. Layered, scenic, beautiful settings that feel special and diverse, the perfect setup for a creature like the Moofs that are to be known to love exploring places.

What I want to do is use more settings like that, and this background I premade for when I get the universal stuff like Moof, the Enemies, everything that EVERY level would have universally fully done, operational, and HOPEFULLY bugless.

Audio is gonna need help, bug fixing too at this rate, however visuals, design, and base function it seems I got covered for sure.. So I got that going for me.

However any changes I'll make will be updated in due time, so I'll keep you all updated if I can get these working and well off. So until then, that'll be all from me.

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