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Platformer Progress - Last Enemy Sketch Variant in Pixel WIP + Spike Variant Touching Up

Hello once again, over the last few weeks I've made it a goal to gather my concept sketched list of variations for my universal gelatinous enemies of my Moof Project. Well I do have more to share about that, of a few additions and changes.

First thing, while not having ALL of the sprites necessarily for in-between frames, I DO finally have sprites for the last of the enemy variants from that sketch so long ago, amongst some other things.

Notable additions/changes:

- Altered the Spiked Enemy's.. well, Spikes. Don't have to use the older, yellow version to the right of it compare.

- Added a Falling sprite for both spiked and default forms

- Added 3 Sprites for the walker-enemies, no in-between sprites yet, enough to get a test run made before smoothing it out

The coding I still need to do, and worry about a bit due to a few bugs that make some troubling results at the moment, but at least I have enough now to get the function added, to then touch up further on visuals later.

For now, however. This would be roughly how many sprites the majority of the basic/universal enemy types there really are when put all together.. for NOW at very least.

It's very notable just how many sprites some have compared to others, it's almost funny to me.

The trap/ground-mine enemy and cannon enemy have like 20 sprites each, but the rest have only three each, maybe four if I count the falling sprites. I'll fix that eventually, probably.

Just like the Moof sprite sheet, can really see how expansive it all is when together. I like that, it shows progression, albeit slow progression as a one man team more or less, but progression none the less.

Coding is a majority of my to-do list, and my mostly worrying part of said to-do list as well.

I'll try to work on some of that possibly and show more when I do, however that would be something that comes in time later from now,

So until then at least, that'll be all from me.

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