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Platformer Progress - Possible Conceptualization, and Theoretical Spriteworking

Heyo, I've got another week of progress to show this week, now while it isn't the most progress I've had, unfortunately it's not the biggest of updates however, more experimentation of designs, but any update better than none right?

A lot of this week has been a blank on the coding, I've got movement touch-ups I could be doing, but I need to fix the enemies before I get testers ready for how to fix that.

However I am making up for that in the visuals side. A lot of it being theoretical planning at least for now.

Moof himself and his poses for sprites for in-between frames being the majority of them.

Some are shown before, some newer ones, like dancing for hitting the end goal post, a jump's flip for maybe if holding the jump button til his highest point of the jump, or the two on the top right being little movements for an idle so he's not statue when the keys aren't being touched.

Expressive, and Silly, just as Moof is meant to be.

Alongside that, I've been unable to decide on whether to have bosses be Ashra alone in various mechs, or to have others work under her.

Both have pros and cons. - On one end mechs are simpler enough because it's only Ashra, but the problem is I'm not the best at designing machinery so that's going to be harder there alone.

- For the workers end, they use less spritework likely because there's no big machine bodies to make, but then it's designing unique lads entirely so there's no guaranteed ready color palette.

However, if I do use the latter, I did have a test run for someone, a sketch and a sprite. While it's not a guaranteed decision yet, I test ran a lad I am calling Dominique, a Mouse, as Ashra already is the Fox lady of the group.. if doing the group.

Games like Crash Bandicoot use this kinda style of bosses where it's a series of henchmen, but Sonic uses one main antagonist and machinery instead, so really the pick is tough.

I'll have to figure out that route soon, and work from there, because it'll make designing in the long run much. much smoother, right now it's more chaos than anything.

Unfortunately not all too much, been having an off week when it comes to progress, I don't know exactly the why, might just be a bad week, but I still wanna try to get something to show.

I'll try to have more next week though, but that's only in due time, so for now that'll be all from me.

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