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Platformer Progress - Screens and Maps

Heya, we know what this sentence means, MORE platformer updates! Now while I'm making a Front and Back facing sprite for something function wise, in the meantime I HAVE made some changes and works in progress to other features.

First thing's first is the BIGGEST change.. in a way. Size, not impact.. Moof's project so far has been a rough 640x320 resolution.. I think, it was in the 600s x 300s area, NOW.. Now it loads in 1920x1080 frame, making him MUCH bigger on screen!

Bigger screen, more view. More view, more scenery to see. More scenery to see, more land you can see and explore. More land to see and explore makes for a better Moof experience.

..This does not fix the lack of Audio, BUT we'll get there in due time.

The next thing to address is a map, for that there is some progression, it's missing landmarks because I don't know how I want to make one key feature look, BUT we have both the map shape/base

As well as a V1 of plant life tiles to make the place more lively.

Last thing is a bit of a note of current goals, because at the moment there's a SLIGHT issue regarding one aspect of the game I only realized now, visually over function..

Originally I wanted to make the main enemies these small dark goo creatures that'd be the main enemy species for the Moof game, and well.. size and color are an issue here for understandable reasons.

Making them bigger is easy enough, but that won't help much if they blend into the background. So I have two possible fixes. 1. Edit the goo creature concepts to be them riding mechs of various kinds.

2. Change their color to something that fits the character who commands them.

3. Try to make a new enemy species that won't have blending issues.. or as much of em.

Alongside the enemy conceptualization goal, I also need to get some landmark designs made, one of which being a giant tree, and need to also acquire a front/back sprite set of two (each) for World Map purposes..

And audio, definitely audio, the game is mute at the moment, and that is far from good at the moment.

But until then, I will have to keep working on these and update you all overtime, so until then.. That will be all for this post.

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