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Platforms and Paddles, A Week 3 Rundown

The midpoint of the month has come by, and a good grip of work is able to be seen from the start of my time in the program in the first of the month. SpaceWar! was completed, and Pong slowly follows suit. It alone has a few fixes and additions, albeit some maybe needing touch-ups still. We now have a trail for the ball, and particles coming from the paddles on hit, though I plan on color coding them possibly for visual appeal. The paddles themselves also got a visual touch up themselves, visuals are my strong suit, audio is probably on the top 32.

I'll try to remember to not take TOO much time on visuals, to get more time in on polishing the rest of the game. Or moving down to other games in the line. But I'd like to assume Pong is about 85... 90% done? Further projects, speaking of, is where the next part comes in, eventually I want to also learn 2D or 3D platforming, when that time comes, I want to be at least somewhat prepared. For that of which as my previous posts sometimes will show, I've been taking some time to work on that preemptively. Specifically, I've been working on a detailed tile set of floors.

This image provided is a test run of an assortment of the tiles in use as geometry over the (currently placeholder) night time background. Pillars, ledges, walls, and floors alike to make a semi-natural formation of land and mineral-like road.

This shall be the area of a crystal city, who's name is pending. An island area off-course from most mainline areas and continents where the land itself has a crystalline presence. The land has pillars of them, the buildings shining like Selenite, and the land itself being like a big Geode. The land also will hold a secret deep in it's core that'll be detailed and explained on a later date.

It may start as a small project, but my goal will be making a full game out of this, lands of unknown potential and scenery grand and diverse from each other. With a character who himself stands out as a new creature from what would be the normal residents of the landscapes, by size, or by species.

This shall be one of my bigger goals in the long run, and I hope I can make it as good as it can possibly be. My next post I also hope shows Pong's full completion, and a good start straight into the next line of gaming history. But, all good things come in due time. So until then.

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